Well, it's PAUL...

Jul 10, 2009 21:21

This Globe article just popped up on Google Alerts and is a fun little snippet. Paul is very... Paul.

(Also, Callum is playing the leader of the posse sent to get Paul's character, yes? Is Callum American in this one, too? Because I would pay cash money to have him be a Mountie in this one. Alas, backreading tells me it is not to be ( Read more... )

ckr, film, paul @#$%! gross, hilare

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Comments 15

brynnmck July 11 2009, 01:40:06 UTC
OMG, Sal and I stayed in Osoyoos on our roadtrip last year! We should have left cookies for Paul or something!

Oh, Paul. "Delicate" is not your forte, my friend! Heeee. And you're right, the end of the article is hilarious. (Except for the poor horse! Poor horse. PAUL GROSS HAS THAT EFFECT ON LOTS OF BEINGS.)


meresy July 11 2009, 02:16:34 UTC
What are you talking about?1 Paul is a delicate petal. S'why he doesn't care to be dropped on his head.

Oh, you meant the other thing. Er.


r_vecchio July 11 2009, 01:47:06 UTC


meresy July 11 2009, 02:16:57 UTC


umbrella_half July 11 2009, 01:49:44 UTC
Oh Paul, you bring the lolz. And the sexy, debonairness. But mostly the lolz. And goshdarn, Mountie!Callum hunting Criminal!Paul is an AU fic I'm sure I've read at least once. Let's write to him and suggest it.


meresy July 11 2009, 02:18:11 UTC
Paul has a little too much fun at his job sometimes, I think.


innocentsmith July 11 2009, 02:15:58 UTC
(While enthusiastic postshoot investigations into the B.C. wine industry take place on the terrace of the Spirit Ridge restaurant, in downtown Osoyoos, karaoke until the early hours is the entertainment of choice at the local pub.)

Oh my GOD, Paul and everyone getting blitzed on local wine and/or doing karaoke late into the night. Can you imagine the shenanigans?

Especially karaoke. Paul seems like he'd be the easiest guy in the world to get up onto the karaoke stage - the problem would probably be getting him to leave.


meresy July 11 2009, 02:18:37 UTC
Pssh, he'd MC the whole night if you let him, prob.


j_s_cavalcante July 11 2009, 03:26:01 UTC

He's Paul Gross! Even HORSES get hard when he lies between their legs!

(And OMG, how nasty is that, swatting it with a stick? Ouch! Poor horsey.)

Thanks for posting that. This is going to be a fun movie.

*ducks back into art cave*


meresy July 11 2009, 17:17:02 UTC

(And I know! It seems unnecessarily harsh.)


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