Or "Weird Angle Theatre." Or "Engine Repair as Euphemism."
Less Callum in this ep overall, I think, but what's there is still adorkable.
Johnny's car is all busted. Woe!
And then he burns himself. *petpet*
It's a rad job. (Wink wink nudge nudge.)
*hearts some more*
Sorry, I can't not include all caps of him smiling. I find it impossible.
And then the kid appears, and things get unintentionally hilarious.
Suddenly there is a lot of meaningful eye-contact and the distinct impression that they do not want the kid there. Not because they don't like him, but because "rad jobs" are a manly thing among men???
The subtext totally flies over Eric's head.
Johnny is VERY DUBIOUS ABOUT THIS DEVELOPMENT. *meaningful look*
Johnny: "Dude, what do we do?"
"Oh I know! Buy the kid off! Because it is so worth money to be left alone right now. Um, with my radiator. Yep."
Eric: "????"
"Plz, plz go."
"That was close, eh?" "Shyeah."
"So... about my rod. Rad. What?"
And because this is a KIDS' SHOW, YOU PERVS, play-boxing ensues. Yeah.
Bring it.
"What?" He says.
(Seriously, if you haven't? Go watch that scene RIGHT NOW. It's so hilariously slashy I can even.)
Callum has long legs. I approve.
I am getting a sympathetic crick in my neck right now.
Pretty! /deep and thinky thoughts
Callum has NO ASS. To speak of. <3
Johnny gets shirty with the police.
His wee sneery faaaaaaace.
This is his "watch me be a hotass even while wearing this totally over-sized shirt" pose.
But all's well that ends well. Kids off the tower etc. Time to through stones and bond with the kid!
Callum! ♥
♥ ♥
The End!
For your nefarious purposes, all may be found
here! Dear Callum, I love your stupid face. <3