It's important for a character to be wrong about something when it's good for the story! It's important for a character to be wrong about something when it's a growth opportunity in both directions: either they continue to be wrong, and it effects events around them in some way that is interesting, or they change and grow as a character and that is also interesting! Stagnation is the worst thing possible in a narrative, being wrong/having a secret kept from you and finding out/slowly piecing together information/choosing a different side is a great change agent. It is also the backbone of redemption stories which are my favorite. The idea that character is not defined by their wrong-ness, that there is a chance for them to make different choices, is one of the top things that makes the old adage of a good story making you understand them more, not less, work.
Comments 6
I used this icon on purpose can you guess why
2: I love this! You've got one of the best brains (and hearts!) for stories I know.
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