Scrap-related injuries?

Feb 25, 2012 16:00

Originally published at One Life Documented. You can comment here or there.

I started a whole topic about it over on the Studio Calico message board, but thought I might share here as well.

This is what I wrote Thursday night:

I just took a big fall off of my office chair (yes, I know I shouldn’t stand on it - don’t tell my mom or I won’t hear the ( Read more... )

scrapping, real life

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Comments 2

saena17 February 25 2012, 14:31:56 UTC
WOW, that is one hell of a bruise! Glad to hear you're feeling better! I don't really scrapbook, so I don't have any stories like that, but I am constantly injuring myself on one thing or another. I've had some impressive bruises in my time. (My favorite story, though, was when I got a big cut on my finger the day of our school Shakespeare performance because I was grazed when we were practicing our big sword-fighting scene!)


cultural differences llewbear February 25 2012, 21:06:18 UTC
where i grew up scrapping would refer to fighting and given that meaning yes i have hurt myself many many times fighting, if you would like the full list of injuries just ask lol it is rather long and testosterone filled lol.

in the mean time you should get some arnica cream on that bruise preferably one with a horse chestnut extract in it, it will help it heal much more quickly.


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