Sic Transit Gloria Mundi

Apr 18, 2010 17:36

Title: Sic Transit Gloria Mundi
Author: mercury_rose 
Rating: PG
Word Count: 7356
Summary: It’s like the worst kind of Greek tragedy, she thinks, one where fate is simply against the protagonists. Andromeda and Sirius, throughout the First and Second Wars.

sic transit gloria mundi )

harry potter, sirius black, drama, andromeda tonks, general

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Comments 5

sibyllevance April 19 2010, 19:41:09 UTC
That was terrific. I really was sucked into this fic and I thoroughly enjoyed Andromeda's train of thoughts. Her relationship with Sirius never seemed to be very important to me while reading the books and you wrote it as such a blooming one (they were never more than acquaintances at the beginning, for example) that I completely fell for it. So good. I'll be recommending this on my journal for sure.


ariana789 April 19 2010, 20:11:19 UTC
I just logged onto LiveJournal today for the first time in literally months, and I was so thrilled to see that you'd posted something!

What a beautiful work! I liked how you took a relationship that was basically just a throwaway line in the book - that Andromeda was Sirius's favorite cousin - and expanded it into these complex, dark, but also surprisingly warm interactions. I like Andromeda's underlying protectiveness of him, and seeing both of their struggles to escape their family but never having it work, and having Andromeda acknowledge that at the end. Just brilliant!


wotcher_wombat April 20 2010, 21:35:38 UTC
This is an excellent piece! You really capture the tension and affection between Sirius and Andromeda, but you manage to keep it beautifully understated. And while I suppose this is a strange thing to comment on, I was struck by the break between the fight and reconciliation after Sirius tells her he's joined the Order. The end of their conversation is so abrupt and harsh, and the break there just made their emotions resonate with me. When we come back, the very next sentence is a heartfelt apology. It just says so much about their characters--like many small things in this story. Your writing is terrific throughout. I am particularly haunted by your description of Sirius after his time in Azkaban--that he embodies all the forgotten and unseen ramifications of the first war, that he struggles to remember their plans for the party at first. Great work! Thanks for sharing!


countessmedusa April 21 2010, 01:16:15 UTC
Love it. A nice characterisation of Andromeda, as well as Sirius. I especially enjoy how you make them realistic, that Andromeda questions her identity as a Black and as a blood traitor. Not everything is black and white here.

The end made me a bit sad, but I am really weepy today anyway.

Thanks for the story.


phiso_kun April 27 2010, 05:15:57 UTC
Ohh, this made my lips smile and my throat tighten. I haven't read much on the dynamic between Andromeda and Sirius, but I love the way you played it out, how innocent and almost needy it is at first, and how damaged it turns out in the end.

Small details stood out to me - Andromeda feeling out of place amongst all the Slytherins, a Azkaban-worn Sirius with a crooked smile suggesting strippers for their celebration - but the whole thing was wonderful. Great job. :)


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