Kryptonite | Chapter 10

May 21, 2010 22:30

Title: Kryptonite
Rating: M (NC-17). Strong mentions of sex, suicide, and other angst in a similar vein.
Characters/Pairings: Jack/Ianto, Gwen/Rhys, Martha, Rhiannon, others may crop up as well.
Spoilers: Set after Exit Wounds
Summary: After 2,000 years buried beneath Cardiff, Jack's mind is crumbling. Ianto will do anything to avoid losing him again ( Read more... )

torchwood, ianto jones, jack/ianto, martha jones, gwen cooper, jack harkness, kryptonite, fanfiction

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Comments 14

chamilet May 21 2010, 21:50:34 UTC
Since I'm not privvy to where you intended this to go, I'm perfectly content with where it's going:D


mercury_pheonix May 27 2010, 12:02:25 UTC
Aww, thank you (yes, this is a major comment-catch up).


royalladyemma May 21 2010, 22:31:03 UTC
My heart is aching for Ianto, for how helpless and hopeless he feels right now. He was hired to take care of the team and the Hub and now the team's falling apart and he finds no comfort in the familiarity of the Hub. Thank God for Martha's level head and common sense.

I cannot wait to see where the story continues to take you. You weave such a good tale of love and laughter and woe and terror. Thank you for taking us on this journey with you.


royalladyemma May 21 2010, 22:37:02 UTC
My heart is simply aching for Ianto and Jack both. I cannot imagine the terror that Jack must be enduring - knowing that he's losing his mind and not being able to do anything about it. Ianto feels so helpless and hopeless - he was hired to take care of the team and the Hub - now the team has been ripped apart and thee is no comfort to be found within the confines of the Hub.

Thank God for Martha and her common sense and her ability to step outside the emotions and see the big picture.

I cannot wait to find out where this journey is going to take us - I find that sometimes being dragged along kicking and screaming by something I'm trying to write, only to find that it's doing all the work for me, usually turns out brilliantly.

Thank you for inviting us to go along on this journey with you. You tell a powerful story. And I'm glad for it.


mercury_pheonix May 27 2010, 12:04:48 UTC
Aww, thank you. This started out as a Broken!Jack fiction, but has turned into a fiction when all the characters are breaking in one way or another. Even Martha (as my next chapter reveals).

I'm letting the story develop itself, which seems to be working. The one time I tried to wrestle it to become something it didn't want to be I ended up having to re-write an entire chapter.

Thank you, once again, for your comments!


mscatmoon May 22 2010, 00:30:13 UTC
I'm glad Ianto and Martha had that talk, and she wasn't too harsh on him. I know, I should have trusted her -- but I'm a bit overprotective where Ianto is concerned I'm afraid. I think the outside perspective of Ianto, Gwen, and Martha has been necessary. Yes it's Jack's problem, but they are all being affected by it, and for the story to be well balanced you need to show their perspectives as well.


mercury_pheonix May 27 2010, 12:05:57 UTC
I'm glad you think it's the right route. Lots more Jack coming up.

Thank you!


dreamscapemusic May 23 2010, 01:36:10 UTC
When I started reading this, I didn't know it was a work in progress. So I'm watching things get more and more complex and thinking "How is this getting resolved in 3 more chapters. OH!" I'm glad there's more since this is fantastic. The idea is great and everything is in character. What I like most, I think, is the realistic way you have Ianto dealing with the situation. He's not going to be perfect and I think you get his frustrations across in a believable and sympathetic manner.

Off topic, but I saw your note a few chapters back about trying to get into Cardiff University. Good luck! Are you trying for this coming year or 2011-2012? I only ask because I'm applying to a graduate program there for 2011-2012, so I was curious.


mercury_pheonix May 27 2010, 12:08:24 UTC
This is a work in progress, as I find that works best for me and means that I can use people's comments and suggestions to turn it into, ultimately, a better piece of work. I have no idea how long it will end up being, but I know what direction it is hopefully going in.

Ianto is incredibly frustrated. He's very close to breaking. He's not a saint, he's incredibly screwed up, and I didn't want to lose that - he's very strong and can carry an awful lot, but when he cracks he cracks spectacularly with devastating effect (Cyberwoman).

Hopefully starting Uni in September. *crosses fingers*. So 2010.

Thank you!


dreamscapemusic May 28 2010, 03:46:59 UTC
Yeah, that's a good point with using other people's comments to keep everything going with a WIP. I used to do that when I posted fic more often. And probably will if/when I get a chance to start writing longer fics again.

That's exactly what I mean about Ianto. You definitely capture the screwed-upness and I think that sets you apart from a lot of post-Exit Wounds authors I've read. A lot of times it's either Jack or Ianto that's torn up and the other is the rock. But they've both got good reason to be so messed up so it's really interesting to see a story where neither of them are really strong enough to be the other's rock.

So 2010? Then maybe I'll see you there if I get in for 2011, haha. I haven't started the application yet. It's open, but I feel like hiding under a rock or something at the thought of starting the whole application and visa process (I'm the US, but there's something far more satisfying in the thought of actually studying Welsh music in Wales). So I'm right there with you in the nerves if you want company. :)


mercury_pheonix May 28 2010, 07:28:51 UTC
Honestly, the application system is a bit dim. It takes such a long time that all you can focus on is getting to University, waiting for your application to be processed, so when it comes to actually knuckling down to the exams you need to pass to get in you find yourself grown out of the education system. It's very difficult. I'm a failed Cambridge graduate, so this process has been ongoing since October, when Cambridge applications have to be in. Everyone sees Cardiff as a step down from Cambridge or Nottingham (my insurance Uni), but their English department is one of the best in the country - I have to get 3 As in order to get in ( ... )


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