Apr 23, 2009 15:22
so, the past few days i've been out fishing, cause, yeah, i do that.. and well... i'm really BURNED!
hopefully it will be a bit better tomorrow! right now i can't stand to have a shirt on me cause it's bothering me!
but guess what?! i'm gonna be dark and cute! fosho! ;)
Apr 23, 2009 13:46
yep, think i'm gonna like the iJournal thing.. and who knows, maybe all of you will hear more from me now!
Apr 23, 2009 13:22
so, this seems pretty cool! and i think a lot of the reason i post so randomly is because i have to log on to the actual LJ site and blah blah blah, yea, i'm lazy sometimes, shoot me!
just found this, we'll see if it goes any better with me posting!