That's crayzee to me. EIGHT YEARS? REALLY? And when did his name change to Koi?
Ya know, I was thinking of you two yesterday, ironically. I'm amused that I remember the anniversary, ha.
Speaking of, I will be in Jacksonville (hopefully, if things aren't made of a fail) with Shink in December. We should TOTALLY try to get together. Looks to be the second week of December.
Comments 4
Ya know, I was thinking of you two yesterday, ironically. I'm amused that I remember the anniversary, ha.
Speaking of, I will be in Jacksonville (hopefully, if things aren't made of a fail) with Shink in December. We should TOTALLY try to get together. Looks to be the second week of December.
Oh, and Shink plays WoW too...
... I just can't get away from it, ha!
Koi is just my nickname for him....I know corny corny XD
I'll be in jax on rotations from sept to in jan and feb...then jax for good I think. Should be ample time for the hangoutage ^_^
I just remember you calling him "Buddha" which is why I was confused.
Well, if everything doesn't fail, we should be in Jax together. If it DOES fail, however, I should be in Florida by myself...
... hanging out would be awesome!
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