Title: When Prompted: 36-50
Author: mercsgoodgirl
Disclaimer: All belong to Joss. I got nada.
Paring: Jayne/Kaylee
Warning: References to occasional adult language or situations.
Setting: Be forewarned that the content of these is NOT in any sort of chronological order. They may not even take place in the same ‘verse…
Word Count: 100 words each.
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Comments 8
To quote Xena 'I have this weakness for bad boys' [GGG].
Other than our run of Chuck/Major John/Sarah porn drabbles, I'd never done a long list of 'em, and I was surprised at how challenging the format can be, or how much fun. Like a micro story or writing Haiku (which my English teacher aunt used to teach me to read and write at age 4).
I just want you to know how much I've appreciated all your comments and feedback on my postings. It's nice to know that somebody's reading the stuff, and if a piece really sucks, I trust you to say so!
That being said... I'm glad you enjoyed "Sitting Together", too. After all, great minds dream alike. *grin*
As an artist/musician/writer, my goal in all I do is to form an emotional connection with others. When I'm successful and someone "gets it" - well, it just doesn't get any better for me.
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