Christmas Cards & Packages

Dec 19, 2009 12:59

Last week was fun. Work was offended cause I spent most of the time writing cards and wrapping gifts. Sometimes it is really useful to work for your parents. =D

So, lorettakay, I send your package on Tuesday via air mail. The postlady said, it would be there in 10-15 days. *squishes*

Die anderen an meine Landsmädels ankareeda, billy_red_ocean, koryou und scout78 hab ich am Freitag geschickt. ( Read more... )

st. mercy, misc: christmas 2009, misc: funfunfun, mercy: real life, st. mercy: friends, misc: christmas, misc: christmas cards, mercy: package

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mercscilla December 19 2009, 18:43:34 UTC
Shame on you! Waiting is all the fun! xD

Yup, deadline is kinda today - after that no more peeking or shaking. Just WAITING...

Mom is keeping an eye on all packages that arrive after today. She's making sure I don't get grabby hands... as if I cannot control myself. *phew* Uhm, we're leaving out the fact that I always try to open any packages the day they arrive. Heh.


ankareeda December 19 2009, 14:51:42 UTC
MY MERCY STAR I GOT YOUR PACKAGE TODAY! Thank you sooooo much! DHL probably kidnapped Rudolph, that's way too fast for them.

Also, mein Onkel ist durch den Schneesturm gestapft - ich hab ihn von fern angefeuert. *grins*
Hihi! *giggles*

You'll get my pressis in the next days. :D


mercscilla December 19 2009, 18:46:47 UTC
OMG, that was really superfast! DHL is really trying to get all packages to the people early. ^^

*huggles* Take your time - having you as a friend is always gift enough. ♥


lorettakay December 20 2009, 06:07:36 UTC
*squishes you back*


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