Early gifts, cards and fanlistings

Sep 20, 2007 17:45

Wheeeeeeeee! I got packages! Three wonderful, really big ones. ^^

A bit early but I'm not going to open them until Sunday. *nods* I will resist the temptation...

Thank you so much lorettakay, scout78 and billy_red_ocean! *squishes the hell outta you*

You three don't have a conspiracy going on and in the packages are parts of a robotic Lover-Boy, are there? *eyebrows* Should ( Read more... )

st. mercy, st. mercy: friends, mercy: package

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Comments 28

taru_croft September 20 2007, 16:49:11 UTC
Dude your fanlistings is a HUGE one *faints*

I already mentioned this on my LJ,but here I go again - happy birthday *huggles*


mercscilla September 20 2007, 17:28:34 UTC
*beams* I know! And I've joined more than 70 in the last three days... O_o

Awww, thank you so much hon for the early wishes! ♥ Your idea to post a collective post for b-days is really neat! :D


taru_croft September 20 2007, 17:57:30 UTC
LOL you're hopeless!

You're welcome honey *nods*

BTW before I'll forget,here's the link to the "tv show list" which I posted already in ages ago (the list which got the dates when the fall's shows start) clicky clicky


mercscilla September 20 2007, 18:08:11 UTC
And freaking proud of it! *beams*

*squishes you like woah*

Oh, you are the best! I'm going to mem your entry cause I haven't gotten around to update mine list... *lalala* We share lots of shows. :)

Say, is "Bionic Woman" good? Is it a new season or a complete new show? I saw it on your list and the name intrigues me.


lorettakay September 20 2007, 17:19:44 UTC
YAY! You got it! I was worried about it not getting there in time.

(and I refuse to say what's in the package, only it's objects that will satisfy a Mercy. *giggle*)

*huggles and smooches*


mercscilla September 20 2007, 17:32:50 UTC
OMGYES! And it's sooooooooo tempting me. =D

(*squeals* This Mercy will be the happiest b-day girl on Sunday EVAR when she opens it. ^^)



scout78 September 20 2007, 20:44:45 UTC
Oops. And here I thought I could count on our postal service being as slow as usual. *g*

Robotic Lover-Boy? *wonders what you've been reading* But... it's not a bad idea. Maybe next time ;)


mercscilla September 22 2007, 18:02:49 UTC
Nope, it was faster than light. ^^ You never know what to expect from our postman. *sigh*

Nothing. Just random really trashy stuff (Dragon Heat, lots of magic and well, sexy stuff. ^^) and somehow I came upon that topic in my mighty mind...

YAY! *giggles*


(The comment has been removed)

mercscilla September 22 2007, 18:07:31 UTC
If not, I'll send an SOS. =D

Ooops? I'm soooooo sorry. Even though she's definitely not. Nifty ones you've got there. ^^

Hmm, I haven't joined any music ones... *wanders off*



obsessed_psyco September 21 2007, 18:47:31 UTC
I wasn't sure if it would get to you before Sunday! I'm so glad it did. =D

I'm also glad you liked it. I wasn't sure but I just thought I would make you one seeing as your one of my best friends!

The fact that it was pink made me a bit wary but hey...

So you really liked it? *huggles you*

Love you hunny and I hope you have a good day! =D


mercscilla September 22 2007, 18:41:18 UTC
For one the postal service was as fast as the light. ^^

Like it? I love it so very much!!! It really is the most wonderful gift I've ever got. :)

Nah, it's a good kind of pink. ^^

*squishes you lotsy*


obsessed_psyco September 22 2007, 19:09:11 UTC
Ok! I'm glad then. And surely your exaggerating quite a bit. lol! *squishes you back*


mercscilla September 28 2007, 16:53:04 UTC
Nope. I'm not exaggerating. *shakes head* Self-made gifts are the best! :D


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