Shipwreck: Murtogg and Mullroy Cha.1

Jun 25, 2007 13:10

EDIT 3-12-08 I'm in the process of rewriting this story to make it MUCH more better. ;D I won't take this version down, but that should be kept in mind.
Title: Shipwreck: Murtogg and Mullroy
Author: meowbooks
Word Count of 1st Chapter: 443
Rating: PG
Summary:Humor Post CotBP-Murtogg and Mullroy have been shipwrecked. Who happens to rescue them (due to the muse of a fanfic writer), but Captain Jack Sparrow...

Disclaimer: Yes I like so many others do not own Pirates of the Caribbean and its wonderful characters. So far apples, steak, a parrot worshipper, and scared rats have invaded this story. Much obliged if you would read….

Shipwreck: Murtogg and Mullroy

The Nameless Island

"So...what do you think we should do now?"

"We could start by building a boat."

Murtogg looked around at the small sandbar that they sat on. It was a fourteen paces long and 10 paces wide, pale yellow stretch of sand with a few grey and white rocks, not a tree in sight. There were the remains of a fire that had long since burned out and not much else. He turned back to his friend who had taken off his tricorn.

"I don't think we can. No wood."

Mullroy turned his head to the right and left before nodding in agreement.

"I suspect you're right."

"What should we do now?"

Mullroy shrugged and sighed as he put his hat on.The sun was pouring heat as if it were liquid that stuck to them in their regulation royal navy uniforms. I wonder if it occurred to them to take their jackets off…

Murtogg paused for a moment then broke the silence and the heat of the Caribbean sun: "How did we get here anyhow?"

Mullroy shook his head in disbelief at his friend and gave him an I-can’t-believe-you-don’t-remember-the-highly-significant-incident-that-landed-here look."Well it goes a bit like this-there was a storm, the boat-"


"Right, ship-hey you must remember you just-"

"Well, it had to have been. That’s the last thing I remember, you saying something then I nodded off."

"You weren't even listening?"

"Yes, I was!"

"No you weren’t! You just said-"

"I listened until I fell asleep!"

"That proves it! You weren't!"

"No, I heard you, I just wasn't thinking about it seeing as how I was asleep."

"Oh. Well I guess that'll have to do."

"So what happened then?"

"The ship was rocked around a bit, slammed into this big old rock, the boat started sinking and well here we are."

"Where are we anyway?"

"An island so small I doubt it even has a name." There was another moment of silence. Well, not real silence they were surrounded by the ocean, the waves washing onto the small shore of their sandbar.

"You think we should name it?" Murtogg asked breaking the ice-of course there wasn't any real ice, but in the sense that he was trying to strike up a conversation.

"Name what?"

"The island."

"Why would we do that?"

"So it has a name." Why else? Thought Murtogg as he glanced back at his friend. Mullroy raised an eyebrow as if he couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Name something just because it hasn't one?"

"Yeah." Mullroy paused for a moment, squinted his eyes in an attempt to block out the glare of the sun, and looked to the horizon."What's that?"

Cha.2 Enter the Pearl

shipwreck:murtogg and mullroy

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