Shipwreck: Murtogg and Mullroy Cha. 19

Jul 25, 2007 02:09

Disclaimer: Everything from the movie belongs to Disney. The parrot and two naval officers’ names, the three boys and the plot belong to me. In this chapter there is a...

Carolina Confirmation

“ Jack Sparrow-”

“Captain, if you please.” The official shot him a customary annoyed look that usually crossed prim, rule abiding citizens of high stations who were being extremely stupid. I’m sure you agree that wearing layers and layers of clothing on a summer day in one of the southern American colonies governed by England is stupid, right? But I digress.

The official continued to be boring by declaring a bit more. It was, as to be expected, given in the usual manner of men who announce dreary, unnecessarily formal and fancily worded charges to people who have been convicted of a crime and to any person who strangely wanted to fill their afternoon by watching dreadful punishments:

“Jack Sparrow, you have been found guilty of numerous transgressions against the crown. The most evil of which are acts of piracy, imprisoning a cleric, looting, arson, commandeering of a ship of the fleet, sailing under false flags, kidnapping, resisting arrest -”

“ Wrong order!” The guards, the people, and the hangman who had been nodding off gave dramatic upward jerk of their heads as they ceased to be bored out of their wits.

“ I was reading here!” scolded the official throwing down his hat.

“But he stole the Interceptor after resisting arrest!” insisted the townsman.

“ I was getting to the good part and-and you blurt out like that?”

“It was the wrong order!”

The hangman dully shifted his gaze from one person shooting an argument to the other.

“Hello?” Jack tried to raise a hand to get their attention, but seeing that his hands were bound together, raised both of them. “Man ‘bout to be hung could escape now…”

“Who cares about the blooming order?" the official said squinting down at the townsman. "He did it!”

“You have to do in order!” bellowed the townsman he walked up the steps of the gallows to scream in the official’s face

“I do not!”

“You do!”

“I don’t have to and you can’t tell me what to do!”

“The prisoner is escaping…" Jack said waving his bound hands, "oh, look-I’m walkin’ past you…”

“Yes, yes you do! They always do it in order!” spat the townsman ignoring Jack who hung his head in frustration. Jack took a step towards freedom, looked at the guards who were watching the squabble, jumped down from the platform and stared at them for a moment waiting for them to do something…anything?

“Blah-blah-la-you are being ridiculous!”

“You have it wrong!" said the townsman shaking his head, "Order is very important!”

“Order? Where’s your sense of fun?”

“It’s not about fun!”

““I’M ESCAPING!” yelled Sparrow deliberately.

“The other bloke didn’t do in order so I shouldn’t have to!”

“There’s procedure! There has to be order!”

“Look, it’s Captain Jack Sparrow, someone get him! Guards-get me! I’m the bloody pirate!”

“What?" said the guard as if in a daze. "Oh, right-you two he’s-er-”

“Escaping. Yes, we know that! GET ME!” He pointed at himself.

“What’s chronicle got to do with it?” shot the announcer-official.

“Chronological!” corrected the townsman.

“That’s it, I’m gone!” Captain Sparrow untied his hands with his teeth and tossed the rope aside. “You lot happy now? What’s the point of practicing an escape plan if no one does what he or she is supposed to do?”

“ I WAS NOT NAMED AFTER A STEAK!” roared Angus Mullroy the ‘announcing official’.

“I never said anything about your name!” Murtogg shot back.

“SHUT UP!” cut Sparrow eyes flashing as he jumped between them. The two instantly quieted. What he said next was in a incensed whisper “You two are like those goat things- ramming yer heads together-you’re annoying- and you’re annoying-but together yer infuriating!” Murtogg gulped. Jack regaining some of his composure swiveled towards Gibbs.

“What sort of guard lets the pirate right past him? Hm?” Jack bent down to look the two other guards in the eye. “And you two said you wanted to join the navy?”

“We used to…” Charlie whispered timidly.

“Have you changed your minds? Pity, it would’ve made my life much easier if I could do that.”




Cha. 18 
Cha. 20

shipwreck:murtogg and mullroy

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