Summary Selections Round 2: Free-For-All!

Dec 05, 2012 09:04

Did you miss out on Round 1 of Summary Selections and still want to make artwork? Did you not get assigned enough summaries in the first place? Have you already finished your projects and need some more to entertain yourself over the coming months? Have you only just found us and are desperate to make some Mentalist fanart for some fantastic stories?

Well you're in luck!

This is Round 2 of Summary Selections. And unlike Round 1, it's a free-for-all. That means it is literally first come, first served. So, you get to pick whichever summary (or summaries) you like best... and chances are, you'll be able to work with it.

But remember:

Big Bangs requires a minimum of three pieces of artwork
Little Bang requires a minimum of two pieces of artwork
Mini Bang requires a minimum of one piece of artwork.
...but you can do more than that if you choose. These are just the minimum requirements! There is no maximum or upper limit.

There's also no limit to the number of fics you make art for either. Just please bear in mind your personal time constraints when you're choosing how many stories you want to make art for in total.

Please make sure you read ALL of the summaries, even if, at this time, you don't think you'll be interested in doing Big Bangs or whatever. You never know, the summary that really excites you might be hidden in that signup group.

If you want to claim a story just reply with 'I claim fic x' or words to that extent. Either miss_peg or I will get back to you to let you know if your claim was a success. You're also welcome to claim more than one fic at once too!

Onto the summaries:

The summaries:


1. CLAIMED BY lothiriel84
Author: tromana
Potential Title: Battlefield
Current Word Count: 6,065
Projected Word Count: 25,000 to 35,000
Short Summary: Lisbon is framed as being a mole for Red John. Can she get out of this situation unscathed, and will anybody stand by her as she tries to prove her innocence? angst, drama, hurt/comfort
Pairings Involved: will probably be gen, but with some implied Jane/Lisbon
Preferred types of art: Anything! I'd take any art over nothing at all, but book covers/banners/fanmixes especially appreciated

2. CLAIMED BY lilsmiles86
Author: diviniaserit
Potential Title: Kryptonite
Current Word Count: ~5,000
Projected Word Count:12,000
Short Summary: Five times Lisbon saves someone and one time she needs saving. Each section is a stand alone minimum of 2K over the last several seasons. Warnings for violence and language.
Pairings Involved: Lisbon/Jane, Team Friendship
Preferred types of art: Anything :)Story is inspired by different songs with a 'Superman' theme.

3. CLAIMED BY lothiriel84
Author: miss_peg
Potential Title: Time
Current Word Count: 5k-ish
Projected Word Count: At least 10k, of course.
Short Summary: Jane and Lisbon's relationship changes, but when something happens that neither of them expected, will it bring them together or tear them apart?
Pairings Involved: Jane/Lisbon
Preferred types of art: Generally I like almost anything - I prefer fanmixes and would rather NOT have wallpapers.

Author: tromana
Potential Title: A Madman and His Couch
Current Word Count: ~16k
Projected Word Count: ~16k
Short Summary: Doctor Who crossover. Patrick Jane is actually a Time Lord, and associate of the Doctor's, but doesn't know. When he and Lisbon get involved in a case involving a dead man going missing and a strange blue box, his whole world is turned upside down. Drama, Friendship, Crime, Humour/slight Crack, some Romance right at the end.
Pairings Involved: Patrick Jane/Teresa Lisbon, but only right at the end. Some Doctor/Companion, but only fleetingly. All Doctors appear, along with a lot of companions.
Preferred types of art: Anything - I'd rather something than nothing at all, but I'd love a book cover and chapter headers especially.

Author: little_firestar
Potential Title: Red Shadows at the Sunset
Current Word Count:~35900
Projected Word Count:~35900
Short Summary: Hurt/Comfort;Romance and Crime. He killed Red John, but shattered her trust and any chance at love he could have had with her. But after an year apart, Lisbon knew she couldn’t keep him out of her life any longer: the decision wasn’t up to her any longer. Because there was a shadow from their past menacing everyone… something that only Patrick Jane could stop, once and for all.
Pairings Involved: Jane/Lisbon
Preferred types of art: I'm not so sure about videos, just to let you know.

6. CLAIMED BY lilsmiles86
Author: tromana
Potential Title: Ricochet
Current Word Count: 24,596
Projected Word Count: No idea, to be honest, but this story could possibly break the 100k mark.
Short Summary: AU Role Reversal. Teresa Lisbon, ex-fake psychic and con-artist, chasing down the killer of her beloved husband and daughter joins the CBI in hope of finding out more information. Patrick Jane, Senior Agent for the Serious Crimes Unit of the CBI, is bruised and battered by his past. How do these two cope with being thrust together and will they ever capture Red John between them? Crime, Friendship, Hurt/Comfort, Drama, Angst, Family, Suspense. Maybe some Romance too, but I haven't got to that point yet.
Pairings Involved: Lisbon/OC (her dead husband), tentative/implied Jane/Lisbon.
Preferred types of art: anything at all, really. But would especially like chapter headers and a book cover if I was going to choose.

Author: miss_peg
Potential Title: Breakdown
Current Word Count: 9500ish
Projected Word Count: 10000ish
Short Summary: Van Pelt wakes up in a large empty room, when the reason for her kidnapping comes to light, Lisbon is forced to make a decision that could affect everybody. Character death and violence.
Pairings Involved: Not really, there's a bit of everybody. Including Red John.
Preferred types of art: Generally I like almost anything - I prefer fanmixes and would rather NOT have wallpapers. I would actually REALLY like a fanmix for this one if possible.

Author: browneyesparker
Potential Title: Nick & Nora
Current Word Count: 2,652
Projected Word Count: 10,000
Short Summary: AU Jane and Lisbon are married and living in a small, costal town. Jane is a retired consultant, until one day a murder occurs and the local sherriff asks for his help to solve the crime. Romance, friendship, family, crime.
Pairings Involved: Jane/Lisbon, slight Cho/Summer.
Preferred types of art: Fanmixes, banners, fan fiction covers, ect. . . whatever the artist feels like making. I'm not picky.

Author: lolly2222
Potential Title: untitled
Current Word Count: 4500
Projected Word Count: I have no idea this thing keeps running away with it's self.
Short Summary: After Jane callously mocks Lisbon’s choices in life, she decides to make a change and go travelling with Mashburn. Jane must figure how to mend the friendship he has systematically destroyed over the years and figure out why her loss is so devastating to him. Genre is initially angst but odd for me, romance. Maybe some swearing I am Irish, its just punctuation to us.
Pairings Involved: Lisburn and Jisbon
Preferred types of art: Whatever comes my way is appreciated.

Author: kathiann
Potential Title: untitled
Current Word Count: like 500?
Projected Word Count: min 10.000
Short Summary: Ok, so basically it's an RJ fic. Kind of switches POV's between RJ and the team. RIhgt now it's just Lisbon and RJ, but you know how it oges. I may through some other people in there. He's basically stalking her and her neighborhood, she just doesn't know it, as the story goes on she realizes what's happening. Don't know that there will be any pairings (don't have plans for that right now, but that might change). Based on this drabble that I wrote awhile ago (which sums it up nicely I think).

They called him legendary because he was the one that baffled them all. And with a sweep of his fingers and a slash of his knife he brought fear and anger to everyone he meet…or didn’t meat. He was a shadow always watching, a nightmare that never quite went away when you were awake. You saw him out of the corner of your eye, even though you didn’t know who he was. And if you had the good fortune to meet him then you would only need to meet him once to know that the tails he told were true.

Pairings Involved: No pairings as of yet, probably wont be anything more than just friendship.
Preferred types of art: Anything would be great. I'm not picky and am open to anything really.

11. CLAIMED BY lothiriel84
Author: tromana
Potential Title: Vacation Blues
Current Word Count: just over 20k
Projected Word Count: just over 20k
Short Summary: When Lisbon is shanghaied into taking a vacation to Hawaii, Jane tags along with unclear intentions. The first thing she finds in her hotel room is... a dead body. It's only natural she and Jane get involved in the case, while the borderline between friendship and something more is inevitably crossed. Crime, Romance, Drama, some Humor
Pairings Involved: Patrick Jane/Teresa Lisbon
Preferred types of art: anything is better than nothing, but I'd especially like fanmixes, book covers and chapter headers if I was going to be picky.


Author: yoursecretsoul
Potential Title: Back to You
Projected Word Count: 5500-6000
Short Summary: Grace misses being with Wayne. More than anything. So she decides to take it into her own hands to get back together with him.
Pairings Involved: Rigsby/Van Pelt
Preferred types of art: Love just about anything.

Author: lothiriel84
Potential Title: One Day You Will
Current Word Count: 5,560
Projected Word Count: 5,560
Short Summary: Jane leaves Sacramento shortly after Red John's death. When Lisbon gets shot five years later, he can't help visiting her one last time - only to discover that she has a son now.
Hurt/comfort, romance, family. Rating T.
Pairings Involved: Jane/Lisbon
Preferred types of art: Wallpaper/banner (but I guess that also icons or a fanmix would do)

Author: robothor1111
Potential Title: Untitled
Current Word Count: 7325
Projected Word Count: 7500
Short Summary: Bonds deepen in the wake of Red John's death as Jane and Lisbon confront grief and loss and the achingly open question of what comes next.
Pairings Involved: Jane/Lisbon (There is pre-fic character death, but the character is never named.)
Preferred types of art: I'll honestly take anything - I just hope that I actually get art. I know from running one of these things myself that it's hard to get artists for everyone, but the art is 0 why I participate in these bangs instead of just publishing these fics on my own schedule like I do with the rest of them.

Author: kathiann
Potential Title: Untitled
Projected Word Count: um...5000, that's the minimum right?
Short Summary: Grace centric fic (because I do love her). Trying to escape from the mundane and slightly depressing life that she has she finds herself drawn to a man in a bar who ends up not being who she thinks he is. This is going to be a depressing one because as it stands right now I think she's going to end up dead at the end of the fic.
Pairings Involved: Um, Grace and the guy in the bar. Not sure who else is going to show up in the fic actually.
Preferred types of art: Anything would be wonderful.

16. CLAIMED BY lilsmiles86
Author: ruuger
Potential Title: Shatter
Current Word Count: 4000+
Projected Word Count: ~6000
Short Summary: Set right after "Fugue in Red". Lisbon and Jane spend the night at a motel on the way back from Jane's house. Will contain some sexual content, but I'm not sure yet how explicit.
Pairings Involved: Jane/Lisbon
Preferred types of art: I don't use icons that much, so they're not really any use for me, but otherwise anything goes.

Author: shadownashira
Potential Title: Let This Crimson Ink Fade
Current Word Count: ~4500
Projected Word Count: ~7000
Short Summary: Crossover with Stargate SG-1/Stargate Atlantis (story is set on Earth post-SG-1). Jane really is a psychic with a mutated ATA gene who subconsciously repressed his powers after his family was murdered. After finally killing Red John, his powers resurface and he's recruited by the SGC. Takes place before the end of S3; details leading up to Red John's death are mostly glossed over but there's a short portion with some blood and violence. The focus is on Jane and his interactions with the Stargate characters, so Jane's team make only brief appearances.
Pairings Involved: Gen
Preferred types of art: Any

Author: vanrigsby
Potential Title: Just Like Heaven
Current Word Count: Um. I hate to say, but 0.
Projected Word Count: 6,000.
Short Summary: When Red John attacks, but doesn't finish the job, the team races against the clock to both find him and save the victim, with a little unexpected help. Based on the movie 'Just Like Heaven'.
Pairings Involved: Rigsby/Van Pelt
Preferred types of art: I have really no preferences, anything anyone makes will be awesome I'm sure!


Author: lothiriel84
Potential Title: Hearts in Trouble
Current Word Count: 1,472
Projected Word Count: more or less the same (depends on my beta)
Short Summary: Once upon a time there were two troubled hearts. This is their story.
(Aka the lives of Patrick Jane and Teresa Lisbon, narrated in a sort of fairy-tale style.)
Hurt/comfort, romance. Rating K+, slight spoilers for "Red Dawn".
Pairings Involved: Jane/Lisbon; mentions of Jane/Angela and (strictly platonic) Lisbon/Bosco
Preferred types of art: Wallpaper/banner (but I guess that also icons or a fanmix would do)

Author: vanrigsby
Potential Title: Always There
Current Word Count: Um. 0.
Projected Word Count: 2,000.
Short Summary: It was a tough case, for some more than others. Grace knew that. [Tag to 5.04]
Pairings Involved: Rigsby/Van Pelt
Preferred types of art: I don't really mind. Having any art made for my story would be great!

Author: little_firestar
Potential Title: Wedding Machinations
Current Word Count: ~3800
Projected Word Count: ~3800
Short Summary: After so many tribulations and issues, Sarah and Wayne were finally making their dream coming true, and there’s nothing they wanted more in the happiest day of their lives, than seeing their friends happy too. But sometimes love just needed a push in the right direction. A romance story.
Pairings Involved: Sarah/Wayne Rigsby; Jane/Kristine Frey; Lisbon/Mashburn; Jane/Lisbon
Preferred types of art: anything, really. But I’m not that much into video, though.

Author: miss_peg
Potential Title: Angels
Current Word Count: 0000 words
Projected Word Count: At least 1000 words
Short Summary: Teresa Lisbon is offered a job at the Charlie Townsend Detective Agency, there she meets Patrick Jane and a fellow detectives Grace Van Pelt & Madeleine Hightower. A Charlie's Angels crossover.
Pairings Involved: None.
Preferred types of art: I'm not a big fan of wallpapers, but love fanmixes, anything else will do though, really. Banners, icons, chapter headers, etc.

Author: lothiriel84
Potential Title: Behind Blue Eyes
Current Word Count: 1,218
Projected Word Count: more or less the same (depends on my beta)
Short Summary: An introspective piece about Jane - past, present, and future. Based on the song "Behind Blue Eyes" by The Who.
Drama, hurt/comfort, romance. Mentions of sex. Rating T.
Pairings Involved: Jane/Lisbon; there are also mentions of Jane/Angela, and slight hints of Jane/Lorelei and Lisbon/Red John
Preferred types of art: Wallpaper/banner (but I guess that also icons or a fanmix would do)

Author: ruuger
Potential Title: Untitled
Current Word Count: ~1100
Projected Word Count: ~2000
Short Summary: Cho gets Jane to come down from the attic by taking him home with him. Set sometime during early season 3.
Pairings Involved: Slightest hint of Jane/Cho
Preferred types of art: I don't use icons that much, so they're not really any use for me, but otherwise anything goes.

Author: kathiann
Potential Title: Untitled
Current Word Count: 100
Projected Word Count: 1000
Short Summary: Your basic smut fic. She wants him, but all he wants is a release. No real plot, no real story, just, well, smut.
Pairings Involved: Jane/Grace
Preferred types of art: Anything would be great!

Author: neverminetohold
Potential Title: ...and hold out hope
Current Word Count: 600
Expected Word Count: 1,500 ~ 2,500
Short Summary: Hindsight is a curious thing. It had taken the horror of a bloody smile to make Patrick realize what a lucky man he was, but by then it had been too late. No one is more surprised than him when he gets a second chance at happiness... Angst, Slash, H/C, mild violence.
Pairings Involved: Patrick Jane/Walter Mashburn
Preferred Art Types: Anything, but I especially like banners/covers :)

Author: lothiriel84
Potential Title: Love is a Battlefield
Current Word Count: 3,145
Projected Word Count: more or less the same (depends on my beta)
Short Summary: AU. Jane never gets hired by the CBI, so he has to find a more "creative" way to work on the Red John case - a way that involves a certain petite brunette of our acquaintance.
Set a year after the murder of Jane’s family.
Drama, hurt/comfort, romance. Mentions of sex, violence, and suicide attempt. Rating T.
Pairings Involved: Jane/Lisbon
Preferred types of art: Wallpaper/banner (but I guess that also icons or a fanmix would do)

Author: robothor1111
Potential Title: Untitled
Current Word Count: 974
Projected Word Count: 974
Short Summary: After Jane's antics caused the CBI team to miss a flight, he and Lisbon are forced to share a hotel room.
Pairings Involved: None
Preferred types of art: Anything - I'm not picky and would take any form of art over no art at all.

Author: little_firestar
Potential Title: Crossing Paths
Current Word Count: ~ 3000 ca.
Projected Word Count: ~ 3000 ca.
Short Summary: Humor/Parody, X-Over with The Avengers (2012): Patrick Jane, former carnie guy turned fake psychic turned CBI consultant; Clint Barton, former carnie guy turned secret agent turned super-hero. Together, they fight crime… or maybe not.
Pairings Involved: Jane/Lisbon and Lisbon/Hawkeye attraction

Author: yoursecretsoul
Potential Title: A Day in the Life
Projected Word Count: 4800
Short Summary: A day off for Rigsby and Van Pelt means that they can finally spend more time together.
Pairings Involved: Rigsby/Van Pelt
Preferred types of art: Love just about anything.

Author: browneyesparker
Potential Title: Best Friends and Maids of Honor
Current Word Count: 282
Projected Word Count: not sure, but it'll meet the requirements, I promise.
Short Summary: It was happening again. Except this time it was different, this time he wasn’t just flirting and pretending to fall in love as a means to an end. This time it was very real. This time she knew with great certainty that she was going to lose him to somebody else forever and that things would never be the same between them again. She knew this time that he wouldn’t come back to her as anything more than a friend. Angst, friendship, romance, hurt/comfort.
Pairings Involved: Jane/OC, Jane/Lisbon
Preferred types of art: fanmixes, banners, really I'm not picky.

Author: lothiriel84
Potential Title: I'll Stand By You
Current Word Count: 1,177
Projected Word Count: more or less the same (depends on my beta)
Short Summary: Jane and Lisbon dealing with the immediate aftermath of Red John's downfall. Based on the song "I'll Stand by You" by The Pretenders.
Hurt/comfort, romance. Rating T.
Pairings Involved: Jane/Lisbon
Preferred types of art: Wallpaper/banner (but I guess that also icons or a fanmix would do)

Author: tromana
Potential Title: Unbroken
Current Word Count: 2,759
Projected Word Count: 2,759 give or take. Just requires a little editing.
Short Summary: The degradation of Wayne Rigsby and Sarah Harrigan's relationship post-4x24 and prior to 5x04... angst, hurt/comfort.
Pairings Involved: Wayne Rigsby/Sarah Harrigan
Preferred types of art: Anything at all. I'd rather *something* than nothing.

Author: browneyesparker
Potential Title: Remorse Offerings
Current Word Count: 3,379
Projected Word Count: (it's complete)
Short Summary: 5 times Jane tries to aplogize to Lisbon, and the one time he gets it right. Friendship, angst, slight romance (if you squint really hard), and maybe hurt/comfort.
Pairings Involved: Jane and Lisbon, slight reference to Sarah and Rigsby
Preferred types of art: fanmixes, banners, really I'm not picky.

35. CLAIMED BY tromana
Author: lothiriel84
Potential Title: Fallen Angel
Current Word Count: 3,763
Projected Word Count: more or less the same (depends on my beta)
Short Summary: AU. Red John contents himself with killing Jane's wife, leaving a traumatized Charlotte on the crime scene. Jane tries to hide his daughter from everybody, but he can't keep his secret from Lisbon forever.
Drama, family, romance. Rating T.
Pairings Involved: Jane/Lisbon
Preferred types of art: Wallpaper/banner (but I guess that also icons or a fanmix would do)

36. CLAIMED BY lilsmiles86
Author: elen_nare
Potential Title: Untitled
Current Word Count: 2893
Projected Word Count: 3500-4000
Short Summary: Fic about Annie and Tommy Lisbon during the events of “The Crimson Hat”; specifically during the time Lisbon was missing presumed dead, from the CBI informing them of Jane's "kidnapping" of Lisbon and "murder" of Rigsby,to receiving the news that she’s alive, and it was all a trick. Also features Lisbon’s other brothers and their families. Some swearing (less than 10 instances).
Pairings Involved: None
Preferred types of art: Not so keen on translations, love banners, covers, drawings, fanmixes... I'll be happy with whatever makes the artist happy :)

Author: marissaangell
Potential Title: Untitled
Current Word Count: around 2000
Projected Word Count: from 2000 to 3000
Short Summary: One day she arrived more disheveled than usual and of course he had to catch up on that. For some reason Agent Trainee caused Jane to act more childish than ever to find out her secrets. That always brought out both their inner childs. *OC present, and might get OOC*
Pairings Involved: not really, unless you count canon and OC's friendship
Preferred types of art: anything

!modpost, ~summary selection, !2012

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