Rubbing alcohol will help, yes, but it would be best if you boiled it. Also, if you don't boil it, make sure you rinse it off because the rubbing alcohol may leave a residue that could irritate your vagina.
I use tea-tree oil regularly- I just rub a few drops over the outside and then rinse it off with hot water.
For the most part, yeah. Soap makes me itch down there, so I never use it on my cup. And boiling is one of those things that I never seem to get around to before my period actually starts. I don't have any negative reactions to tea tree oil, and my body doesn't seem the worse for wear for not boiling, and I've been doing it this way for a couple of years now.
Comments 4
I use tea-tree oil regularly- I just rub a few drops over the outside and then rinse it off with hot water.
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