Title: Doing Time Characters: House & Wilson Rating: PG Words: 1500 Genre: Angst, mostly conversation Summary: During some down time in their road trip Wilson asks House about his prison experiences. Wilson's Health Status :[Click to find out]Wilson is still dying and slowly getting worse. There is no cure in sight and his impending death is referenced.
Second, why'd you have to make me cry before work? Seriously, this is so painful. The solitary House faced in prison is really nothing compared with the solitary he'll face after Wilson dies. The last couple lines are killer -- my heart!
(Also, I realize the show wanted to put the whole season 7 finale mess behind them, so they didn't dwell on House's prison time after the first episode. But yeah, it only makes sense that he would've had nightmares or other after-effects.)
Comments 21
Second, why'd you have to make me cry before work? Seriously, this is so painful. The solitary House faced in prison is really nothing compared with the solitary he'll face after Wilson dies. The last couple lines are killer -- my heart!
(Also, I realize the show wanted to put the whole season 7 finale mess behind them, so they didn't dwell on House's prison time after the first episode. But yeah, it only makes sense that he would've had nightmares or other after-effects.)
Thanks for reading!
Glad you liked it, thanks for reading!
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