* double shift this Friday and next (no way am I working the long weekend..... new hard drive to follow with the $$ now that I have the removable one
* Serenity with CG Tuesday.
the_leaky isn't the same anymore but I am still trying. I still follow Marcus/Oliver and am horrified to see my next favourite character is Sirius followed by Narcissa and
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Comments 16
I suppose though that that could be a good thing as I was certainly addicted to that f5 key. And while I was following stories I couldn't IM because like whoa the drama! I have no time to chat to you about the drama at Home depot don't you realise Remus bloody crashed and he might DIE!! What is wrong with you people??? ;)
*snicker* Yeah maybe it's for the best.
You're awesome and I adore you. *loves*
Speaking of ToS - Icons! I made two slightly different that you can use if you like.
( ... )
And... WOW!!! Those icons are GREAT! I love them! Thank you so much, they are gorgeous! You are the icon goddess, you really are. :D
*downloads icons to use* :D
I barely follow it anymore. I never was fond of the current Reigning Supercouple, I'm not crazy about the same handful of people writing all the new characters (can't they at least *try* to vary their narrative styles? Especially Narcissa?), and I think the game has taken a dramatic decline since the event no one talks about.
Very sad. It used to be addictive, and a lot of fun. Now it's rather like what Robert Graves said in Watch the North Wind Rise: "The bread's good and the butter's good, but there isn't enough salt in either."
Thank God we still have snark_n_bark....
the event no one talks about *snicker* It's like a black hole you can't see it but you know it's there because all the light is disappearing. Even my RL friends know about the loss, poor dears how they put up with me...?
I really miss my favourite characters and the writers who wrote them, but that's life. We have snark_n_bark not to mention that phenomenal time_of_storms plus the new game (name escapes me). The only thing really missing for me, that I can't get elsewhere, is Leo so I hope things start working for her soonest.
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