4.01: The Spam Hits The Fan.

May 15, 2007 20:05

[after this]

Bob's halfway to Dot's Diner when his synchronizer goes off. He thought he'd have time to grab a shake before things got started; apparently, he was mistaken. With an exaggerated sigh, he wheels around and heads back toward the Principal Office.

The subsphere atop the P.O. splits open as he approaches and lands. A VidWindow pwinngs into existence next to him, showing Phong's face. "Diverting core energy," says Phong. "Releasing Tear... now!"

With a muffled boom and a blast of heat, the newly created Tear rises out of its enclosure. It's a Class 6, almost as large as the subsphere itself. For the moment, it's stable, hanging stationary in space and pulsing at an even rate.

Left to itself, the energy output of this Tear could destroy half the system. If it's utilized properly, however...

Frowning in concentration, Bob summons the proper algorithms from his code and projects them at the ball of energy before him. When they make contact, the Tear blossoms into a spherical portal, leading to somewhere in the depths of the 'Net.

Bob turns back to the VidWindow. "Portal stable. I've time-locked it to collapse in two nanos."

"Let us hope that is enough time," Phong murmurs.


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