Implausible Deniability (1/1), Push

Jun 05, 2012 09:12

Title: Implausible Deniability
Fandom: Push
Characters/Pairings: Cassie Holmes, Nick Gant
Rating & Warnings: K
Word Count: 550+
Genre: Shippy
Summary: Nick had known he was going to kiss Cassie for years.
Author's Notes: Written for the incredible laura_josephsen. Warnings for (slight) underage kissing. (Cassie's almost 17 in this fic.)

Nick had known he was going to kiss Cassie for years. When she had been almost sixteen, she had looked at him matter-of-factly and proclaimed, “You’re going to kiss me next year. Try not to freak out when it happens.”

Freaking out was exactly what Nick had done for weeks after her declaration. Finally, in a fit of frustration, Cassie had rolled her eyes. “Look, if you try to kiss me, I’ll just punch you, ok?”

That had been good enough for Nick. He had been able to stop obsessing about the kiss and managed to focus on their objective to take down Division.

Over the next eleven months, he and Cassie had managed to disrupt Division’s plans and evade capture. Various Pushers, Sniffers and Shadows had worked with them from time to time, but no one had joined them in their city-hopping conquest to completely dismantle the organization that had destroyed their families.

They had just finished their latest mission when they found themselves with no new destination waiting for them.

The two of them were sitting in a mostly empty restaurant in the middle of Mexico City. Cassie was sitting in the stool next to him, her leg touching his. Nick ordered two shots of tequila with their chilaquiles.

“Quieres algo mas?” the waiter asked, hardly giving the two of them a passing glance.

“No gracias,” Nick said as the man walked away.

“Your spanish still sucks,” Cassie said with a smirk.

He rolled his eyes. “Yeah, well, if you actually tried to learn it, you wouldn’t be stuck with me as the designated spanish speaker.”

She shrugged. “It keeps you around, I guess.” A playful smile tugged on her lips.

There was something about her grin that made his stomach tighten. It had been a while since she had been so carefree around him and it felt pretty damn good to see her happy.

She looked at him strangely for a moment. Come on, dumbass, she seemed to be saying, figure it out.

Today was the day, he finally realized. The day Cassie had seen last year. The day that had turned him into a nervous wreck around her. The day he had vowed wasn’t going to happen.

But, now that the time was here, it didn’t seem nearly as terrifying as Nick had feared.

In fact, he was sort of looking forward to the moment.

Cassie raised her eyebrows. “Should I punch you now?” she asked, her voice teasing.

“No,” he said, shaking his head. “I’ve seen your left hook.” He leaned in close enough to feel her quickened breath on his cheek. “Are you sure?”

She rolled her eyes, grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled him forward. Before he could say anything, she planted her lips on his own.

Nick wasn’t sure how long the kiss lasted --long enough to catch the attention of the bartender and the few patrons in the restaurant-- but when Cassie pulled away, his heart was pounding in his chest.

“That wasn’t so bad, now was it?” She looked incredibly pleased with herself.

Nick wanted, needed, to make her feel as off-kilter as he felt. Without hesitation, he ran a hand through her hair. “You know what this means for us, right?”

“I can see the future, remember?”

He smirked.

Then, he kissed her.

character: nick gant, pairing: cassie/nick, character: cassie holmes, fic: push, challenge: kissing meme

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