The Complexity of Human Emotions (1/1), Tangled

Jun 05, 2012 08:48

Title: The Complexity of Human Emotions
Fandom: Tangled
Characters/Pairings: Pascal, Rapunzel/Eugene
Rating & Warnings: K
Word Count: 200+
Genre: Humor
Summary: Pascal doesn't understand what the big deal about kissing is.
Author's Notes: Written for the awesome grav_ity. Takes place during the movie.

Pascal didn’t understand what the big deal about kissing was.

It had been awkward to see Rapunzel and Eugene lean towards each other on the boat. Their lips had been drifting close together and neither of them had been paying attention to the lanterns. (Which seemed odd to Pascal because all Rapunzel had talked about was seeing them!) Though, Pascal hadn't liked everything that happened after Eugene had left them on the shore, he was relieved that he hadn't watched them start kissing.

Unfortunately, that relief was short-lived.

He watched as Rapunzel launched herself in Eugene’s arms after he somehow survived the attack by Gothel. He covered his eyes (and peeked) when their lips finally touched. Rapunzel tugged on the front of his vest as he ran his fingers through her now-short hair.

Still, it looked pretty boring to Pascal.

Just as he was about to turn away, he saw them do the most peculiar thing with their mouths. His mouth dropped in disgust.

Didn’t they know that their tongues were for catching flies?

Now, he had to look away.

Thankfully, it didn’t take long for a loud “pop” to resound throughout the room. Pascal risked a glance at the duo. To his relief, Rapunzel was leaning her head against Eugene’s and their lips were apart.

“Wow,” she whispered.

“Wow,” Eugene echoed.

Yuck, Pascal thought.

character: eugene fitzherbert, character: pascal, challenge: kissing meme, character: rapunzel, fic: tangled

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