Adventures in Otherlands: Neverland (Master Post), Alice in Wonderland

Nov 15, 2011 09:45

Title: Adventures in Otherlands: Neverland
Fandom: Burton's Alice in Wonderland/Disney's Peter Pan
Characters & Pairings: Alice, Tarrant, Mally, Chess, Peter Pan, Tinkerbell, Captain Hook
Rating & Warnings: PG
Word Count: 11,500
Genre:  Gen, Adventure, some humor
Summary: Part of Alice's responsibilities as Champion of Underland is to establish treaties with nearby lands. What she didn't expect was for her first diplomatic mission to be at an island with a six-foot man child who doesn't like any grown-ups. Even ones from Underland.
Author's Notes:  Written for the 2011 aiw_big_bang. As always, a huge thanks to just_a_dram for running the challenge.

Part 1  | Part 2 | Part 3

On AO3

character: chess, character: alice kingsleigh, character: tarrant hightopp, character: mally, character: peter pan, fic: alice in wonderland, character: tinkerbell, challenge: aiw_big_bang

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