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Comments 2

just_a_dram November 20 2011, 23:19:56 UTC
Ah, I've missed your AiW. This is really lovely so far. Everything has just the right tone and the little magical moments are perfect. It's good to have them back at tea at the opening. Feels just as it should.

Having become quite proficient in hearing unspoken questions (and several other Mad voices in his head), Tarrant answered her, “We’re going to the wine cellar. It’s the only place in the castle where the walls don’t have ears.”

This is a lovely commentary on Hatter's madness that I don't ever seen before. Really smart.

The talking doorknobs! Love! I always love when they have something bossy to say. :)

Mally is so very Mally and irritated and Chess is nosy and funny and Thackery! You write a very fine Thackery, my dear.

The detail about how you sit in a chair? So Brilliant! That's such an Underlandian way of doing things. That might be my favorite bit. :D


yappichick November 22 2011, 15:32:38 UTC
Why thank you, chickie!

I have to admit, it's a bit different than any AiW fic (or other fic I've written for that matter) because of the 3rd person limited POV that the muse forced me to write. LOL, somewhere along the line (I think it was the fifth or so parenthetical comment) the narrator became a character for me.

Thackery is always the hardest, I swear. Thank goodness for the woohoo British Dialect translator. I kind of make it a mesh of Irish/Scottish/Brummie "slang" to get Thackery's voice. (I used it a LOT more for Once and Always Champion with Tarrant and his Outlandish--Yeah, I cheated, LOL)

So glad you liked it! :D :D


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