I feel like I've gone from rather spammy spamminess to not posting as much thanks to Twitter. Which feels better because I am RIDICULOUSLY paranoid that I spam LJ with useless crap. I want to feel like when I post, it's because I have something to say. When I Twitter (or Tweet or whatever) it's because I have a random thought that y'all don't have to pay attention to but I feel strongly enouh about that I want it out in the world, that for the sake of which.
The loverly
karmicunderpath tagged me for Ye Olde Happye Meme-e. I failed at this before, but let's give it another shot!
The rules:
1. Post about something that made you happy today.
2. Repeat for eight days.
3. Tag eight howevermany people to do the same. Plus whomever wants to play too.
I have developed a new system to get me to 20k in Big Bang before May 1st; 450 words per day for 11 days (giving me the ~10k I lack). Last night was the first day and I more than DOUBLED my quota, renewing my confidence that I can get this done, and renewing a little bit of my writerly joy that I've been feeling a distinct lack of lately. My roommate is helping out by witholding Farscape from me until my homework nightly wordcount is done.I think I will give a more substantial list tomorrow, but I need some breakfast and my Strawberry yogurt is calling to meeeee...
benitle, &
dark_reaction because I know she won't do it and I need some stability in my life. :D