My mother sends me my horoscope every morning, here it is:
Ever hear the saying about cutting off your nose to spite your face? The stars say it's relevant right now. An action seems satisfying in the moment, but after a while, you'll see that it's your loss. Reconsider
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Comments 19
And in regards to strawberries, kissing with them is FUNNNNN. -grins-
quote: "Chocolate sauce"
I thought I was the only one who called it that and not chocolate syrup! Whenever I say "chocolate sauce", everyone always looks at me funny.
Oh man, I have been gorging myself on strawberries and cream the last few days because it's apparently cheap strawberry season. Mmmmmm.
I switch between the two, I think of chocolate syrup as like, Fox's U-bet or Hershey's. Chocolate sauce is melted chocolate mixed with like, condensed milk or something. Man, I should never post hungry.
*tear* for pornish pixies. that comm rocked so hardcore.
power to the food!porn xD
Again, posting hungry is never good. *runs off for a sammich*
Here's how it was explained to me: through the 'search interests' function, it can be claimed that lj is facilitating networking between pedophiles, which is apparently something they can be hammered for legally.
I can't be entirely sure, of course, but that seems to be the deal.
And man, I LOVED the cake thing. Just the potential for cake, it really does make the world better. And pumpkin pie.
There needs to be like 10x more cake in all our lives. Impala-shaped cakes. Mmmmmm...
Getting rid of the Nabokov community was DISGUSTING and scary. Like, is Lolita on the LJ-banned book list now? What's next, deleting people interested in Flowers in the Attic? Are we in Fahrenheit 451?
Anyway, on a lighter note, food porn is teh wonderful. There was some good stuff in HP fandom.
But honestly, are they going to put out an itemized list of words you can't be interested in? Like the 7 deadly LJ sins: incest, murder, pedophilia, reading nabokov, stealing, rape, and baby eating.
I totally want to start a food!porn comm or challenge. Because I'm apparently a masochist and don't already have enough on my plate :D
Our show rocks food, tunes, cars, folklore, Latin, and pretty much the world. I need more buttons on my messenger proclaiming this...
And now I am off to check out spn_harlequin, damn you - as if I don't have enough projects that refuse to finish themselves (damn them, actually). And for serious, I am serious about that comm. If we don't start it, someone better.
Also? DO EET. Join spn_harlequin and celebrate the end of the LJ freakout by writing some schmoopy cornball-romance porn! :D
If I build it, will you a part of it?
*facepalm at silly attempt to reference Field of Dreams*
But hey, I might be onto something there...
If we build it, they will come.
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