Red and Gold Tie

Jun 07, 2010 01:46

Summary: Things were a lot more interesting before Voldy died.
Word Count: 619

Ron flopped onto a chair, sighing in boredom. Ginny was curled up in the armchair, Crookshanks in her lap and Fred and George sitting on the floor in front of her. Harry glanced over at Hermione, who was frowning at Ron, - who, during his flopping, had disrupted her papers - from his spot in the armchair across the room to Ginny’s.

“Merlin’s beard, ‘Mione, we’re not even in school right now,” he huffed, nudging her papers and books back into place. Fred and George had some kind of card game going on, but they were being rather silent about. Harry was pretty sure even Ginny couldn’t hear what they were saying - Crookshanks, maybe. Harry sighed and glanced at both the doorways - one up to all the Weasley’s rooms, the other to the kitchen. No one else was at the house. The Order was - though no longer a necessary organization - at Number 12 Grimmauld Place and Mr. and Mrs. Weasley were out for a ‘date night’ thing of some sort. It’d been Mr. Weasley’s idea.

For whatever inane reason, Fred and George had been left in charge, maybe because they’re the oldest, though hardly the most mature. Harry really wonders what they’re murmuring about, especially because they keep glancing over at him.

"Things were a lot more interesting before-“

“Don’t,” Ginny says before Ron can finish his sentence.

“But they were,” he said grumpily.

“He’s right,” Harry said tiredly because, really, things were a lot more interesting before Voldemort died.

“Harry?” George piped up, sitting up a bit straighter. He and George were both looking at Harry with the mischievous twin smile. Harry looked over to him, too bored for words.

“Care to join us upstairs?” Fred asked. Harry hated - and kind of loved - when the twins did that. He looked at them both curiously before nodding and extracting himself from the armchair. Ron hadn’t noticed a thing and Hermione was still buried in her books. Ginny looked like she was close to falling asleep, so no one noticed, really, as the three boys headed up the stairs.

“Finally,” George breathed, pressing Harry against wall on the first landing, his hands sliding under the dark-haired boy’s tee and his mouth on Harry’s. Fred pressed in behind him, his lips kissing along George’s neck as his hands held Harry’s wrists above his head.

“We can’t . . . We have to- Move,” Harry gasped, lurching his hips forward into George. George let out a low groan as he bent his head to Harry’s neck and Harry would have shoved him away, except Fred was holding his arms. He moved his foot on top of George’s, pressing down enough to hurt a bit.

“Damn it, Potter,” George growled.

“Your room,” Harry growled back. Fred let go of Harry’s arms, but Harry left them against the wall. “Go,” he ordered George firmly. George glared at Harry before leaning forward and biting at Harry’s neck causing Harry to gasp and his hips to stutter again. He heard Fred whimper behind them, just from watching. George let Harry go and stomped up the next flight of stairs, leaving Fred and Harry alone. Fred smiled mischievously.

“He loves you,” Fred assured when he saw Harry’s worried look follow George off. Harry nodded and smiled lightly at Fred, stepping closer to the other twin.

“I love you,” he murmured, kissing along Fred’s jaw line. Fred gripped Harry’s hips, keeping him from getting closer.

“Upstairs,” he growled, slightly mocking Harry. Harry licked a stripe along Fred’s neck - earning a muffled whimper from the red-head - and turned, fingering Fred’s tie as he tugged him up the stairs by the red and gold tie.

Suddenly, things weren't so boring anymore.

r, harry potter

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