Enjoy your therapy.

Oct 26, 2011 02:10

taken from memekingdom
Warning: Explicit Themes Contained


1. Post a character! It'd sure be nice if you put their name, canon, and any prefs you might have in the subject line.
2. When other characters tag in, they'll be using ye olde RNG (1-13) to figure out just how they'll be fucking your character's mind and probably their ( Read more... )

warning: possible triggers, rated: nc17, dark-horror, rated: r, smut, rated: pg13

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Captain Jack Harkness | Torchwood | OTA! dinos4breakfast October 27 2011, 03:06:26 UTC
11, duh ofdrumsthesound October 27 2011, 06:22:11 UTC
*Oh look, lunch!* You look so good all tied up like that, Jack.

Good enough to eat, in fact. And wouldn't you now it, I haven't eaten all day!


Re: 11, duh dinos4breakfast October 27 2011, 07:05:24 UTC
[Snorts slightly derisively] You're not the first to tell me that.

[Then raises eyebrow] Why do I get the feeling you're definition of 'eat' is a little more literal than I'm used to?


Keywords :D ofdrumsthesound October 27 2011, 07:12:44 UTC
Hey, I'm hungry.

You have heard about my nice new body, right? *He holds up a sparking hand.*


dinos4breakfast October 27 2011, 07:21:22 UTC
I hear there's a chip shop 'round the corner.... I'll even take you there if you want.

[Looks confused] Huh. That's... supposed to happen?


ofdrumsthesound October 27 2011, 07:24:36 UTC
It is now. *He sighs* These things happen when you're trying to stay alive at any cost.

I'm an energy being of sorts now. And it's draining, food makes me feel better. *He licks his lips.* How would you like to be cooked, Jack?


dinos4breakfast October 27 2011, 07:44:15 UTC
[Wryly.] I wouldn't know.

Oh. Perfect. And me, being made of an un-ending life force... I must be a feast to you, huh? [Sighs, preparing himself for a tiring death of having his life-force sucked out as has previously happened to him a couple years back. Then pauses and raises an eyebrow at the final comment. Would he ever learn to not underestimate the Master's capability to think of truly terrible ways to die?]

You mean you can't just drain me to power yourself without the common violence? Aren't Time Lords supposed to be above that whole gore thing? [Is trying to not sound nervous as he attempts to keep him talking]


ofdrumsthesound October 27 2011, 07:53:00 UTC
A lot of it's psychosomatic anyway, Jack. Not to mention the drums . . .

Speaking of which, the Doctor and I found out what they are a while ago. *He grins savagely* They're the key to the Time Lock. The High Council destroyed my life, broke my mind and rewrote my history just to keep fighting a pointless and unwinnable war!

*He runs one finger down Jack's chest.* So what'll it be? Spit-roast, oven roast, stew, hamburger . . . I could cook you whole or butcher you. Not to mention marinades and seasonings and garnishes. If you have any preferences do speak up now, I'm absolutely famished. If you keep me waiting for too long I'll just cut your belly open and stick my face in.


bedtime for me, but I'll post more tomorrow! dinos4breakfast October 27 2011, 08:08:03 UTC
Hmm. [Takes a deep breath, then looks rather surprised at this load of new information. The Doctor never tells him anything about his people.]

If all that's true, why hasn't the lock been broken?

[Swallows as the finger goes down his chest, annoyed with himself at the small flickers of pleasure that accompany it. Then any pleasure is promptly squashed by the words. Would he rather die horribly or be eaten alive?]

I couldn't tempt you by flash-freezing me first, then going the popsickle route?


See you then, then :D ofdrumsthesound October 27 2011, 08:15:48 UTC
Because we slammed the door in their face as soon as we found out.

Meat popsicles don't exactly sound appetizing. *He sighs* I could break your back first, you wouldn't feel it that way.

Choose a dish and I'll do that. If I have to choose for you then you get to feel yourself cook.


dinos4breakfast October 27 2011, 19:48:05 UTC
I see. [Makes a mental note to ask the Doctor about what really happened... if he ever sees him again.] So, if you got rid of the drums, how come you're still psychotic? Or is that just you and that whole looking into the naked Time Vortex as a child, thing? One would think if enough Time Kids went insane because of it they'd have a way to deal with them all.

You'd be surprised. On Gremnar Four they make a pretty tasty meat popsicle. You just have to season it well... and tenderize it. [Raises an eyebrow, trying to see if he's managing to convince him or not.]

Or... how do you feel about soup? I know a couple blood soup recipes?


ofdrumsthesound October 27 2011, 20:02:48 UTC
Oh, I still have them. I just kept the Council from using them. *He sighs* And dealing with it would be admitting there was a problem with their great sacred millions-of-years-old tradition, Jack. You don't mess with tradition!

You're just looking for a quick death, aren't you? *He grins a nasty grin* Quick deaths aren't as fun, Jack. Not when there are so many painful ways of cooking a meal. There are places where they only take the meat halfway off the bones, then drop the poor creature into boiling oil so the flaps of meat cook nicely but the main body is still alive. And then they eat it while it struggles. A decadent meal, but quite delicious.

But don't worry, I won't do that. You've been polite, all things considered, even helpful. So I think a roast will do. Pot roast or spit roast?


dinos4breakfast October 28 2011, 01:06:43 UTC
[Rolls his eyes. He can only imagine what the Time Lords in general would do to him if they were around to witness him.] Right.

It's all relative... [Really doesn't want to get into a what death is best conversation with a man planning on killing him. He tests his bonds, checking to make sure there really is no possibility of escape.]

I've heard of that actually. In fact I'm certain that the reason I heard of it was because a man choked to death while trying to eat the poor thing...

[Considers being put in a hot box and boiled alive or having a stick rammed all the way through him. Realizes he's going to be a wreck mentally by the time he lives through this.] If I say spit roast, can I request lube at least?


ofdrumsthesound October 28 2011, 01:18:04 UTC
It's not as fun with lube, Jack! Much better to just force it in.

Maybe I could use some marinade?


dinos4breakfast October 28 2011, 01:20:42 UTC
Olive oil? I hear Sunflower Oil is supposed to be the new "good for you" fad these days...

And like I said, fun is relative.


ofdrumsthesound October 28 2011, 04:33:00 UTC
*He laughs.* Silly human fads . . . what's wrong with marinade, anyway? It's more flavorful.

*Without waiting to respond, he takes out a roasting spit and a glaze brush. There's some marinade in a jar on hand--orange flavor by the smell--and he slowly, carefully starts coating the spit.* Don't worry, it's pretty wet.

This will still hurt, though, the intestines aren't straight after all. I'll have to punch a hole out the large intestine and into the stomach. *He smirks* Don't worry, I cleaned you pretty well while you were out. Nothing will spill in there.

Once it's in the stomach it'll go up your throat. Don't worry, I'll be careful to keep you from choking. It will be slow going, though, and I may have to massage it a bit to keep it straight. When you feel it at the back of your mouth you'll have to put your head back so it slides out between your teeth. After that you can just relax and let yourself cook.

*By this point the whole spit is covered in sauce.* Spread your legs now, Jack, or this will get even more unpleasant.


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