the hardest things to say are also the most important. It doesn't
matter how much it scares you to do so, it's finally time to be honest.
- post as your character.
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RNG and roll numbers 1-22 then respond setting up a scenario.
- Respond and have fun!
the options )
No... n-no hospitals.. [Sherlock let out a quiet whimper as he lifted his head up some. His was was completely flushed, and there was a definite glassiness to his eyes.] I.. I'll do what you want. Just stay... with me..?
I'm not going anywhere, Sherlock.
Look, if you just take this, the pills... it won't make you worse, I promise, and we should at least get you into a cold shower. It will help get your fever some, although sweating this out of your system will help, too.
You're going to be alright. Just... don't ever do this to me again, alright?
..too cold to shower... [The detective muttered as he weakly went for the pills and motioned to the glass of water sitting on the nightstand. Of course he felt like he was freezing on the inside, it was all due to the fever, but that kind of logic just wasn't settling into his better senses at the moment.]
I know you're cold. The shower will help, I promise. It all has to hurt before it gets better.
...I just want to sleep. [Sherlock mutters weakly before leaning against his ever so patient doctor again]
I know you do, and I will let you... but first - and I'm sorry, but a shower, Sherlock. For me.
Its going to be cold. I'm sorry, love.
Its alright, Sherlock. I've got you. You're fine now. It will be over soon, I promise.
[The man's voice was shaky and muffled as Sherlock was practically talking into John's hair. Though he was freezing, the fever he must have had was starting to dissipate slowly because there was some slightly instances of clarity here and there. Sherlock would shift a little bit and was actually laying little chaste kisses along his cheek and down his neck in a manner that wasn't so much sexual as it was purely out of thanks for simply being there.]
Don't ever do this to me again, alright? I'm serious, Sherlock. I can't... I can't take this again.
[The detective would reluctantly pull himself away, gazing down at this wonderfully patient man through the wet curls that hung over his face. His knees would give but not so much to really cause him to have to grab onto John in any desperate attempt to keep standing.] ..aren't you cold? You... you'll get sick..
Alright. Let's get you dried off.
John... [His voice is light and the look to his eyes is that of sheer exhaustion as Sherlock runs a hand through the wet blond hair.]
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