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Clayton Webb | JAG fakes_death September 22 2011, 23:41:40 UTC
Rolled a 5, so I picked 3 shotgunwidow September 23 2011, 00:20:22 UTC
[After introducing herself to the maître d', Ava found herself led to a table where sat a man that she actually recognized. She was dressed in a black halter dress and strappy black heels, her hair loose and down, fitting in well with the restaurant that she'd been told to go to. Surprise registered on her face when she saw Mr. State Department, but it was quickly replaced by a smile born of Southern hospitality.]

Imagine seeing you here.


Cool :) fakes_death September 23 2011, 01:46:52 UTC
[Clay was dressed in his favorite blue suit and red tie, he couldn't believe his friend actually talked him into this. He promised Clay the woman was pretty, and he agreed simply to humor his friend. He was just as surprised as Ava, and stood to pull out her chair for her.]

I think I'm just as surprised.


shotgunwidow September 23 2011, 02:29:58 UTC
That so? Didn't get the impression that much of anything ruffled your feathers. [Ava sat down with a demure smile and placed her pocketbook on the edge of the table.] Also didn't think you were the kind of guy that got roped into things like blind dates.


fakes_death September 23 2011, 02:46:11 UTC
It happens very rarely. [smiles slightly]

And it's amazing what we'll all do to humor our friends. Though I have to say, it's a pleasant surprise that it turned out to be you.


shotgunwidow September 23 2011, 02:49:43 UTC
Well, I'm glad that you're pleasantly surprised and not offended. [She shifted a little in her chair and took a drink from her water glass.] It could be worse. We coulda been meetin' in Harlan at a bar. That suit woulda been outta place like you wouldn't believe.


fakes_death September 23 2011, 03:00:23 UTC
You'd probably also be surprised at how many situations I could fit into perfectly.

[The waiter comes by to take their drink orders, Clay orders his usual high priced scotch]


shotgunwidow September 23 2011, 03:05:18 UTC
[His comment makes her laugh, though it's not mean-spirited in the least. She gives her drink order, something not nearly as expensive, to the waiter and waits until he leaves before she speaks.]

Unless you got some worn jeans, a pair of cowboy boots and maybe a nice cowboy hat to cover all that perfectly coiffed hair, darlin', I don't see you fittin' in much in Kentucky. You're just too pretty.


fakes_death September 23 2011, 03:39:56 UTC
[grins, he loves flattery as does his ego]

If I ever find myself in Kentucky, I'll be sure to stop by so you can see for yourself. Though you seem completely at home in the city.


shotgunwidow September 23 2011, 03:48:49 UTC
[It was worth all that flattery to see that smile. Really, it was.]

Findin' myself to be a city girl the more I visit. Any excuse to dress up a little works for me. [She thanks the waiter as he drops off their drinks.] I guess this really doesn't count as a blind date, though, now does it?


fakes_death September 23 2011, 04:01:50 UTC
Personally, I think every other woman in this room is just a little jealous of you.

[Takes a sip of his scotch] And no, It's really not.


shotgunwidow September 23 2011, 04:05:15 UTC
Because I'm here with you? [Ava lifted her glass and took a drink, though it wasn't a sip, amused by his blatant ego.] I don't doubt you're right.

Guess you're gonna have to go back to your friends with the bad news.


fakes_death September 23 2011, 04:09:46 UTC
I was thinking more because you look so good in that dress. [And that she was there with him, but mostly the dress.]

I don't see a problem with it, considering I like talking to you.


shotgunwidow September 23 2011, 04:13:41 UTC
I like that the flattery goes both ways at the dinner table, Clayton. [She also liked calling him by his full first name, but really? He was too cute not to pass up just a little extra flirting.]

Good, 'cause I like talkin' to you, too. What's for dinner?


fakes_death September 23 2011, 04:26:08 UTC
Of course it does, it's still a date, even though we've met before. As for dinner, anything on the menu.


shotgunwidow September 23 2011, 04:31:00 UTC
A date? Finally. [She picked up the menu and looked it over.] This is your hideout, darlin', you have to tell me what's good


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