129. Forced Honesty

Aug 28, 2011 17:58

Forced Honesty Meme

For whatever reason, your character can't lie. If asked something, they must tell the truth. It's the perfect time to tell that person what you really think, get that confession off your chest, or just come clean.

☆Post with your character.
☆Tag other characters. With a question or a blank post to give the other ( Read more... )

shipping-romance, rated: pg13

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/since Arthur can't seem to finish the other one >> littlspecificty August 30 2011, 05:45:02 UTC
Have you ever been in a relationship with anyone?


/Doesn't help when they BOTH are too stubborn for their own good. >> dreamsofmazes August 30 2011, 05:58:30 UTC
[Deer in headlight look for a moment here. Not seeing that one coming.]

What exactly do you mean by that? [A beat.] I've dated before. Nothing serious.


/no, no it does not. lol littlspecificty August 30 2011, 06:58:15 UTC
[ He shrugs, expression and body language casual. ]

That's what I meant; if you had ever had anything serious before now.


/Damn then. What is it with these two?! :P dreamsofmazes August 30 2011, 07:03:53 UTC
[Brow furrowing, trying to read his actions.]

No. Honestly. I haven't. But I would like to think; I'm selective when it comes to things with my heart.

[She shrugs, as if what she said wasn't much.]

Is that a big shock or something?

Figure you have had some right?


/They are so alike and yet not? XD littlspecificty August 31 2011, 01:20:47 UTC
[ He shook his head. ]

No, you should be. It's not something to just jump into or anything.

[ His face softened noticeably at the memory of two people in particular and he nodded slowly, his tone also softer. ]

I'm actually glad you're selective.

And yeah. I have; but not many.

[ No, those had been special. ]


/It's the yin yang thing maybe? XD dreamsofmazes August 31 2011, 02:30:48 UTC
Thanks I guess. I don't think, I could be anything but selective. It's just not something I take lightly I guess.

[She gave him a soft smile in return, a content sigh coming out as she did.]

When you say; not many, you mean, you can count them all on one hand? [It was a small joke, and her tone showed that much, as she wanted to ask more about it. But was more hoping he would be willing to share without her full out asking.]


/POSSIBLY. XD littlspecificty September 1 2011, 00:10:34 UTC
No, and you shouldn't. Because it isn't; not something like that.

[ His expression remaining soft, even a little wistful. ]

Yeah. Exactly.

[ Slowly, he held up two fingers. ]


/ONLY TIME WILL TELL! 8D dreamsofmazes September 1 2011, 00:18:44 UTC
[A slightly sheepish smile spread on her lips then, the blush slightly rising in her cheeks.]

So..can I ask about them, or is that me crossing the line?


/INDEED IT WILL! ^^ littlspecificty September 1 2011, 00:35:14 UTC
[ He considered her for a moment, hands going into his pockets, silent for a moment before going. ]

Depends on what you want to ask.


/FEELS LIKE I SHOULD KEEP UP THIS SUBJECT LINE CHAT. >> dreamsofmazes September 1 2011, 01:19:34 UTC
[Her expression soft, as she just watching him before taking a small breath.]

These relationships you were in, what were they like?


/WHY? littlspecificty September 1 2011, 01:32:54 UTC
[ He tries to keep his face neutral, although his tone is curious. ]

What do you mean by that exactly?


/BECAUSE......We are good at them, idk? ^^ dreamsofmazes September 1 2011, 01:46:22 UTC
[Chewing on her lower lip, she just adjusts her weight slightly from one for to the other. Suddenly nervous she might be overstepping.]

How'd they happen, what happened to them, things like that? I mean, I know what relationships are, I do. Guess I’m just curious how you were with them.


/Because we're completely random compared to what's going on in the actual tag? XD littlspecificty September 1 2011, 02:33:55 UTC
[ He nodded slowly and looked down at his feet for a moment before shrugging, looking back up, and started moving a little, just taking little steps and shifting as he debated.

He wasn't going to divulge all the details but narrowing them down took some thinking.

When he did speak, his voice and expression did soften the longer he talked. ]

Both were different because the people involved were different. One, the first, was fairly unorthodox and happened without me even noticing at first and the other, the second one, was... well, I thought that was going to be "the one", you know? The only one I would ever need or want and wouldn't need any other. That one... it snuck up on me, too, I guess.

The first helped me just... become who I am. She helped me in several ways and I know without a doubt she saved me... I don't think I'll ever be able to repay her for what she did for me.

[ He had to pause and remind himself that he needed to be composed in this. Although speaking of someone he rarely shared with anyone... It was very ( ... )


[Ariadne found she was tilting her head slightly to the side, as soft smile spread across her face as he talked.

Just glad he was willing to share something like this with her. Assuming it wasn’t something he was so quick to share with many obviously. And when he did. Well, It was only given out in trust. And that was something she truly felt honored by. (Having his trust that was)]

What happened? People grew apart? [It was almost asked, hushed. Worried she might bring up a bad memory. But he hopefully knew, she only was curious out of caring for him more then anything.]


/SOMETHING LIKE THAT. :| littlspecificty September 1 2011, 03:45:23 UTC
[ His face fell slightly and he looked away again before attempting to keep eye contact with her. ]

She died.

[ He swallowed the lump that had somehow appeared in his throat. ]

And he... I couldn't trust him anymore.

[ But, in truth, it wasn't nearly as simple as that. ]


/OH ARTHUR....THAT ICON MAKES HER WIBBLE. ;; dreamsofmazes September 1 2011, 07:06:31 UTC
[She blinked slightly surprised by his words, her expression becoming more abash then anything, as she found herself not fully sure what to say at that moment. Before she finally speaking in an almost hushed tone:] I..I'm sorry, Arthur.

[Inhaling slightly then, she looked up to him, a nervous smile on her lips.]

What happened with him though, if you mind me asking?


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