1183. love, love, love

Aug 29, 2012 16:26

Three Types Of Love Meme (Expanded)

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warning: possible triggers, rated: nc17, shipping-romance, rated: r, smut

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Castiel | Supernatural | Ota holy_hand_print September 1 2012, 08:04:20 UTC
((Got 2.14 - sexting, HAH. Can change if you want a different one, though)) want_some_pie September 4 2012, 06:55:07 UTC
[Usually, Dean prefers to flirt face-to-face, and he rarely uses phone numbers scrawled on a bar napkin to contact a lady for a second encounter, but after enough shots of whiskey, his judgement's a bit cloudy. His phone accuracy isn't all that great either. The text is meant for some woman he met at a bar the other day, but oops, Dean put in Cas' number by mistake.]

"what r u wearin???"


((Nah, this is great!)) holy_hand_print September 4 2012, 13:43:01 UTC
[A text message. Castiel had never gotten one before. The angel raised an eyebrow, holding the phone up to his face as he read the message. And then Cas frowned, responding, as any normal person should.]

My vessel.


((Yeeyyyy)) want_some_pie September 4 2012, 17:24:01 UTC
[That sounds a little odd, but it takes more than that to discourage Dean.]

vessel... that some new kind of pushup bra?


holy_hand_print September 4 2012, 18:40:33 UTC
[ There was another frown that followed that message. Was Dean used to asking his friends about women's underwear?]

I do not wear bras. They would prove to be rather uncomfortable.


want_some_pie September 4 2012, 20:50:19 UTC
[And here's Dean, still completely unaware that he's texting Cas, imagining a hot, bra-less woman.]

and its less clothes 2 take off


holy_hand_print September 4 2012, 21:04:07 UTC
[....Well. What do you say to that?]

Yes. It is. Many layers are constricting, I do not know how you do it.


want_some_pie September 4 2012, 21:41:05 UTC
[And Dean's grinning to himself, thinking he's gonna get somewhere with this.]

yeah, maybe i should take somethin off...


holy_hand_print September 4 2012, 21:47:32 UTC
[How awkward. Castiel has no idea what Dean is thinking. He is just thinking they are having a normal conversation.]

If you are warm that would be wise.


want_some_pie September 4 2012, 21:50:58 UTC
[He removes his shirt and takes a picture in the mirror of the motel bathroom, then sends it to Cas.]

yeah, feelin pretty hot right now


holy_hand_print September 4 2012, 21:56:01 UTC
[His phone beeped, signaling that he got a picture message. The angel flipped the phone open, blinked in surprise when he realized what the photo was.]

...I see. Having disrobed you should be more at ease.


want_some_pie September 5 2012, 00:13:43 UTC
[Not the response Dean was looking for, but he definitely won't let that discourage him.]

i dont know, somethin still doesnt feel right. maybe if u show me what ur wearing...


holy_hand_print September 5 2012, 00:47:21 UTC
I'm afraid I do not know how to function the camera on my Phone.

[ Cas admitted, tryping quickly in response. He barely knew how to text to be honest.]


want_some_pie September 5 2012, 02:23:01 UTC
[Dean finds that hard to believe, but perhaps this can work better.]

may b i can get 2 c u in person then...


holy_hand_print September 5 2012, 02:36:35 UTC

[Cas typed back, not thinking anything of it. Dean would call him to his motel room constantly. Why should this time be any different.]

Where are you?


want_some_pie September 5 2012, 02:47:07 UTC
555 north main st, riverside motel, room 23

dont wear 2 much clothes tho... its gonna get real hot in here

[As for Dean, he strips down to his boxers, getting ready for the beautiful woman he thinks is coming.]


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