Rolled a five post the Stolen Earth arc okay? captain_flyboyJuly 24 2012, 13:26:16 UTC
As soon as they were back at the hub, Jack vanished and none of his team seemed to know where he had gone, thought Ianto had a sad expression on his face. Jack only hid when he needed to think or breakdown and after everything that had happened Ianto was betting on the second option.
"I would suggest someone who isn't us go check Archives," Ianto says pointedly, "just to make sure the Daleks didn't get into anything when they visited."
Martha understands exactly what Ianto is saying. Especially when Gwen is looking at her expectantly as well. Right then. She nods and makes her way to the Archives. A quick glance and she sees Jack, stepping over and grabbing his hand. Martha doesn't have words. Not yet.
Martha squeezed his hand. "I know Jack. Believe me I know." She reached into her pocket and pulled out the osterhagen key. She'd not yet had a chance to destroy it. But there it was, symbolizing just how close they were to losing everything. That she and Jack had both threatened to destroy the Earth. Or the Daleks. And everything changed because of an unprecedented event that she still hadn't wrapped her head around...
Jack pulls a magnate out of his pocket, don't ask where he got it and runs it over the key. He then stands up and stomp the damm thing to dust with great relish.
Martha flinches once as he stomps on it. "Well... looks like my career at UNIT's over." Not that anyone really knows she had it... except those two people...
Jack flashes her a smile. "I wasn't kidding when I offered you and Mickey jobs you know. Torchwood needs a good medic these days, and a computer hacker wouldn't go amiss either."
Jack strokes her check with the back of the hand she's holding. "Bunch of fusspots," he says fondly of what is left of his team, "can't even have a nervous breakdown without them worrying."
"I would suggest someone who isn't us go check Archives," Ianto says pointedly, "just to make sure the Daleks didn't get into anything when they visited."
"They don't really understand," he says finally is a rough voice, "I'm not sure they ever will, how close we came to losing."
"I'll let you know soon. Once my head thinks properly again. Come on... you have other friends who need to see you're alive."
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