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Castiel | Supernatural | Ota holy_hand_print April 21 2012, 02:44:08 UTC
^_^ Rolled a 2 willneversayyes April 21 2012, 03:24:11 UTC
[Sam is wrapped up in what he's reading on his laptop, not even aware of the angel's presence]


Yay! holy_hand_print April 21 2012, 03:31:19 UTC
[A battle in heaven. Castiel was nearly killed, the sword almost piercing through his heart. There was no where the man could go. The Winchesters were the only ones who Dean could trust.

So Cas appeared in Sams bedroom, a burst of feathers and a rush of wind. The angel fell to his knees, black wings spread out and spanning across the entire room. Blood dripped from the darkened wings, over the side of his face and along his stomach. HIs eyes glowed gold from the power of his grace.]



willneversayyes April 21 2012, 10:14:27 UTC
[Sam turned instantly at the angel's call, eyes going wide]


[The younger Winchester was out of his seat before he'd really processed what was happening, on his knees in front of him]

Jesus, Cas, what happened?

[He gently took the angel's head in his hands, slowly tilting it to determine where his injuries were. He could clearly see something was wrong with his wings, but the blood on his head had him a bit more concerned]


...I rolled a 3. Lollll. winchester_lost April 21 2012, 03:59:05 UTC
Cas! Get your feathery--

[Words are kind of beyond him at the moment, Dean's going to settle for general feelings of distress and panic as he tries to not just... flail. He takes a few deep breaths and very hesitantly looks over his shoulder again, hoping that maybe it was just a remnant of a bad dream.

Nope. There are still wings. There are still shocking white feathers folded up against his back, shifting and flexing, feathers ruffled. Dean... kind of feels a little bit faint.

'Cause, seriously, what the fuck??]


8D!!!! holy_hand_print April 21 2012, 04:13:40 UTC
[Ask and you shall receive. Sometimes Castiel had to wonder why he let Dean talk to him like that. Dean would go on raging stampedes and Cas would just go quiet, let Dean rage. Cas was the Ying to Deans yang.

So Cas appears, in a flurry of feather sand the sound of his wing beats. Castiel blinked, stood up straight as he looked at Dean only to be met with bright white feathers. Dean ... had wings. He had large white wings.

Well. That was new.]

...... How did you get those.


<333 winchester_lost April 21 2012, 04:19:57 UTC
Do you think I'd be freaking standing here if I knew that?

[Have a scowl and an accusatory glare, Cas. Dean's wings extended, then refolded themselves up against his bare back. This was... insane. He wasn't supposed to have wings. And if he was going to have wings, they shouldn't be... shouldn't be so white and like something off a Christmas card.]

What did you.. You must have done something.

[Because in Dean's head, Cas had wings, and thus clearly had to have something to do with the fact that Dean now had wings. It was logical... ish.]


holy_hand_print April 21 2012, 04:30:00 UTC
[Well that was just rude. Castiel frowned, staring at the angel/humanoid hunter across from him. And he looked quite put off by Deans accusation. If Cas had picked your wings he would of found you something better suited, like brown tawny wings. Like a hawks. Not fluffy white cherub wings. Cas has better taste then that thank you very much.]

I did not do this to you, Dean. Why would I?


winchester_lost April 21 2012, 04:48:54 UTC
[Dean sighed, exasperated, but it was calming, and his shoulders eased a little. Alright, so, he couldn't think of any reason for Cas to have done this to him. That meant that Cas could probably help him. That was... good.]

I dunno. I just.. I don't know, Cas.

[Green eyes looking into the angel's blues, teeth biting at his lip 'cause he really... didn't know what to do with this.]


holy_hand_print April 21 2012, 04:54:44 UTC
[The angel frowned still, but he didn't snap again at the hunter. Cas could remember clearly how jarring it was to become human. Dean must have felt the same. Given, being an angel was way better. He had serious strength, could fly at the speed of light. In Castiels opinion Dean Winchester just got an upgrade.

Stepping closer Castiel narrowed his eyes, inspecting the wings closely. He walked around Dean in a circle, examining the new appendages with great curiosity. He didn't touch them however. That was personal. ]

They are fine wings, Dean. Strong. You could have been stuck with worse.

Have you angered any other angels lately?


winchester_lost April 21 2012, 05:08:06 UTC
[Was that supposed to be comforting? Dean frowned. Well. Maybe it was a little comforting. He could have been stuck with little dorky things, he supposed. At least these were... impressive, he supposed.

Not that he intended to let on that anything about having angel wings was comforting.]

Not that I know of.

[He shrugged. It wasn't like that was particularly comforting, of course. Dean managed to piss people off merely by existing half the time. Who knew if there were angels around with a bone to pick and maybe disappointed that he'd never stepped up to be the Michaelsword. Or... whatever else angels might get their panties in a twist over.]


holy_hand_print April 21 2012, 05:29:52 UTC
[There was a truth to that. Dean somehow found a way to piss off all of Castiels brothers, even ones never met before. It was Dean Winchesters secret power. The angel tilted his head, gaze flickering up at the hunter before him.]

I am not certain who did this. I can investigate and try to find a reverse to the spell but for now... you may be stuck with your wings for some time.

You may have to adjust with using them on a daily basis for a while.


winchester_lost April 21 2012, 06:03:05 UTC
[Unfortunately, an extremely long list of things that personally hated his guts wasn't really much of a special power. In fact, frankly... it kind of sucked.

Dean made an annoyed noise, because, he kind of didn't like the sound of that. At all.]

What do you mean 'adjust'? The damn things have a mind of their own.

[They shifted, the feathers ruffling as if to prove his point.]


holy_hand_print April 22 2012, 04:42:24 UTC
[The angel just looked amused. The whole 'wings' thing was very new to Dean. He didn't understand it much. Which was why the hunter was lucky to have such a good friend like Cas to help him along the way.]

They work off your internal feelings, Dean.

[Cas ran a hand along the wing, now touching the feathers but seemingly trying to sooth the frustrated flurries with a cool pass of his hand]

Youre state of mind is chaotic right now which is why your wings are reacting just so. Calm your mind. They will be easier to manage then.


winchester_lost April 22 2012, 06:10:44 UTC
[That touch felt... strange. Good, but it was like it went through him. A jolt that cut through him and wasn't at least entirely sexual. He swallowed, his gut reaction being to tell Cas to stop, but, his wings calmed under the press of Cas' fingers, which was weird, but he stayed quiet.

Cas was helping him out here, and it wasn't like he had anyone else to go to.]

Oh, yeah. Calm your mind. Just pull of some yoda jedi master zen crap while I'm turning into a flipping bird. Great, yeah.

[He did actually try to calm his thoughts, but, well, calm wasn't exactly something that Dean was good with. It felt more like it was Cas' fingers keeping his wings still.]


holy_hand_print April 22 2012, 16:53:11 UTC
[Whoops. Castiel shouldn't have touched the wings. That was something considered very intimate, between lovers. And Cas just went ahead and touched him. The angel pulled his hand back and tilted his gaze to Dean.]

Yes. Be calm. You are not turning in to a bird, you are simply have wings now.


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