
Mar 25, 2012 23:17

The Public Sex Meme

This is for all you people out there who like a bit of a thrill. Does the thought of getting caught at any moment turn you on? Well, this meme is the one for you!

- Post with your characters name, fandom and any preferences
- Others respond to your post
- Roll RNG 1-11 for a location! The rest is kind of self-explanitory!

1) The ( Read more... )

love-affection, rated: nc17, shipping-romance, fluff, rated: r, smut

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2014!Dean Winchester - Supernatural 5yearslost March 26 2012, 00:37:34 UTC
heavenonhigh March 26 2012, 19:06:22 UTC
[[ooc: down to just... jump right into this? 8'D]]


5yearslost March 26 2012, 19:20:30 UTC
((haha sure, Dean might he drunk but I'm up for it ))


word ahahaha Cas is fucked as usual so they're... kinda even? Figured 5 makes sense haha heavenonhigh March 26 2012, 19:40:25 UTC
[If there's anyone to be blamed for this situation- wasted in some random house during what was supposed to be a supply run, Cas thinks it's the people who used to live here. Clearly they'd compelled both he and Dean to sample the considerable amount of liquor they'd left here from beyond the grave; it's the only explanation. Cas had been half-joking when he'd suggested it (and the fault for that lies with the joint and a half he'd smoked on the way over here), but he hadn't been willing to look a gift horse in the mouth when Dean had actually agreed ( ... )


5yearslost March 26 2012, 19:58:33 UTC
[usually supply runs we're simple but frustrating. Pretty low chance of anybody dying, but getting everybody to do what they needed to be doing was like heardibg cats. Between that and the fact that ge was about ready to snap and kill some of his camp mates, he was happy to get a break.

And what a break! He'd take running through expensive houses over raiding another Walmart any day. Plus Walmart didn't have multiple bottles of knob creek and gentleman jack. Yeah, he was gonna make today off as one of those good days.

So now he found himself fantastically buzzed, feet kicked up on the expensive coffee table. One hand still held a bottle of whiskey whole the other gently ran its fingers threw castiel's hair, the combination of lack of people and excess of alcohol making him far more affectionate]

Let's see...drive two hours to sleep in a cold, leaking cabin with beds that feel like sleeping on crates, or spend the night in a mansion. You know what, I'm gonba let you handle this one.


heavenonhigh March 27 2012, 15:36:38 UTC
[He tips his head back into the slide of Dean's fingers through his hair, more than willing to take advantage of the situation. His hands are folded over his chest, legs thrown haphazardly over the couch and all in all, he feels like a giant overgrown cat. He's not that hard to herd, thank you very much, not nearly as bad as some of the people they have to deal with. At least he takes orders when it's necessary.

He snorts at Dean's estimation of their current state of affairs. Mansion over leaky cabin is about the measure of things.]

You're putting me in charge? Must have been something more than liquor in those bottles.

[He mock-frowns, pretending to seriously consider the possibilities for a second before his lips curve into a grin.]

Alright, alright. You twisted my arm, we can stay.

[This couch alone? About a thousand times more comfortable than his bed back at camp, which is admittedly a bit nicer than most. He blinks up at Dean, vision just a bit out of focus, and is treated to a particularly breathtaking view of ( ... )


5yearslost March 27 2012, 22:16:48 UTC
[Oh Cas, he always knew what to say to make Dean feel special. He angled his head down to look into Cas's eyes, giving his best bitchface]

Thanks for that, I'll try to remember it for my next photoshoot.

[And then the fingers through his hair stopped, cause that's what happens when you act like a douche. You don't get pets. Dean went back to staring straight ahead at the flat screen on the wall, as if he could just will cable to return by simply staring at it. So far no such luck]


heavenonhigh March 29 2012, 02:57:20 UTC
[Cas rolls his eyes and reaches up, and after a few tries manages to catch his hand in the fabric of Dean's shirt, using it to tug him down a bit.]

That meant come down here.

[He tips his head up slightly, angles his lips and presses them against Dean's. Forward? Hell yeah, but he's drunk and it's a nice house and this couch is ridiculously comfortable. It probably would have been a good night either way, but Cas figures he might as well try to make it a better night.]


5yearslost March 29 2012, 05:07:17 UTC
Hmm. [He makes a little noise as he's yanked down into the kiss, though even he isn't sure if it's a sound of protest or encourangement. Finally he relaxes a little, smiling against Cas's lips before he pulls away slightly, hovering just above the other man.]. Good thing nobody from camp can see us, we wouldn't want your little coven or whatever to get jealous. [They were kind of sparatic about when they fiulled around. They both still liked women, but it was the end of the world. No room for labels anymore, Dean was finally starting to understand that]


sorry for crazy delay, had a friend over all weekend heavenonhigh April 1 2012, 23:00:26 UTC
[He hums into the kiss, hand splaying against Dean's chest with a slight grin against his lips. He's taking that noise as encouragement, considering he hasn't been shoved bodily off of the couch or Dean's lap. Dean does pull back eventually, but it's not all the way and so Cas takes that as encouragement too.]

Coven? What am I, a witch?

[He laughs softly.]

I promise them a lot of things... Exclusivity isn't one of them.

[Cas is very, very glad Dean is finally starting to warm to... Whatever this is. He himself is far from picky when it comes to who he messes around with- he isn't, strictly speaking, a man.]

They'll have to get along without me for tonight. I think they'll manage.

[He tips his face up, catches Dean's lips again and slides his hand to cup his jaw. He's too drunk to be worrying about what's going on back at camp, and he's gonna milk that lack of anxiety for everything it's worth.]


it's all good, sorry for my delay. New job ate my soul 5yearslost April 8 2012, 20:38:26 UTC
Yeah well you didn't promise it but they still glare at me when I call you away from a meeting.

[And then he's being kissed again, though this time he immediately began to kiss back. This whole craning his neck this was quickly becoming annoying, so he tried to maneuver Cas into more of a sitting position in his lap, though he never broke the kiss.

If somebody asked him how Cas and him had started messing around he wasn't totally sure he could tell them. He knows they had been a little under the influence and Dean had been upset about something and Cas had been there to comfort him, just like he always was. Dean figured that's why he'd kept it up, cause Cas was the only person he could really rely on. Also despite the whole dude body thing, he was great in bed. That never hurt]


no worries! jobs do that, man heavenonhigh April 9 2012, 22:03:13 UTC
[Yeah okay, so Dean has a point there. Cas grins slightly into the kiss, allowing Dean to manhandle him into a more comfortable position. It takes some doing, because apparently neither of them are really willing to pull away even to make things easier, but eventually Cas is settled more or less in Dean's lap, straddling his hips and resting his hands at his shoulders. Humming softly, he tips his head to the side a bit, lets his tongue swipe out over the seam of Dean's lips; he's not the passive sort to begin with, but add alcohol into the mix, and well... He just can't help seeing how far he can push things ( ... )


5yearslost April 9 2012, 22:36:09 UTC
[He couldnt help feeling a little proud once he finally got Cas settled. They had mad skills. He opened his mouth to the kiss, tasting that shit beer Cas seemed to like so much. He knew the guy was just getting to know alcohol, but dean needed to teach Cas to have some standards. Still...it didn't taste so bad this way.

He slipped one arm around Cas's waist while the other and traveled up to tangle itself in the ex-angel's hair. This was...nice. Very nice. He ner ad to pretend around Cas, never gad to play the fearless leader, he could just be Dean and ht that seemed to be good enough.]


heavenonhigh April 11 2012, 01:29:03 UTC
[Mad skills indeed, especially considering Cas's slightly numb lips and fingertips as evidence of how drunk he is. That little musical-couch-spot shift should have ended in blood, but somehow, unlike everything else in this universe, it had actually gone smoothly. And Cas's beer isn't shit, it's... An acquired taste. That happens to be kind of shitty to those who haven't acquired it yet.

He takes Dean's open mouth as an invitation, first to suck gently against his bottom lip, then to slide his tongue inside, chasing the taste of whatever Dean'd been drinking. It's bitter, but when combined with the warmth of Dean's mouth and the hands tangling in his hair, Cas thinks he could develop a taste for it. He lets his own hands slide down the sides of Dean's neck and curl over his shoulders, thumbs pressing lightly against the muscle. This really is nice, having the time to explore, touch without having to worry about anyone banging in and asking when the next supply run is going to be or if there are any damn canned beans left.]


5yearslost April 18 2012, 23:53:02 UTC
[He finally pulled away, laughing a little as he gasped for hair]. Jesus, somebody's pushy tonight. [Not that he could honestly say he didn't like that sometimes. Every once in awhile it was nice not to be the aggressive one or the one in charge. Everywhere else he was always the fucking one in charge. He leaned his forehead against Cas's, grinning like an iidiot] Hi.


heavenonhigh April 22 2012, 19:35:06 UTC
[He huffs out a laugh, grinning slightly against Dean's lips.]

That's been known to happen, yeah.

[Cas is so very willing to be the aggressor. He'd been something of a control freak before he'd lost his grace- being an extremely powerful celestial being tended to have that effect on someone- and that much hadn't really changed, only the way he goes about it. Sure, there are times when he likes to lay back and let someone else take the reins, but... He's aggressive by nature.

Hands slide down to palm over Dean's chest and grip at the lapels of his jacket, and he can't help it, he has to grin back.]


[He presses a quick kiss to Dean's lips and lets his mouth trail across his jaw, teeth scraping lightly against skin.]


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