#785 - The Mid-Fuck Meme

Mar 06, 2012 17:07


♋Respond with your character(s) and put their name and canon in the subject bar. (You can make blank comments with < ! >. Remove the spaces).
♋ Respond to other character(s) with your own as if you are right in the middle of having sex. How did it happen? Who started it? Who is topping who? All that matters is they are in the middle of ( Read more... )

love-affection, rated: nc17, shipping-romance, fluff, crack-humor, rated: r, action, smut

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2014!Castiel | Supernatural heavenonhigh March 7 2012, 02:39:10 UTC
no6? + you! missed you! :3 needtoknowonly March 7 2012, 12:30:03 UTC
[breath coming in short, shallow pants now, Dean lifts darkened green eyes stubbornly to Cas as he gives another roll of his hips, the hard edge of wood on the table brushing.

He's pretty sure the plans that he'd shoved away so carelessly to the ground ripped on the way as he pushed him down, but... come on. This wasn't the real issue here.] Cas --


6 works for me! and haaaaaaaaay <3333 heavenonhigh March 7 2012, 14:11:36 UTC
[This isn't the most comfortable of positions, and distantly Cas is certain he's going to have splinters in some pretty unfortunate places, if he doesn't already. He has half a mind to complain, actually, but when he opens his mouth to do so the only thing that comes out is a low, pleasured groan at the snap of Dean's hips.

And then he makes the mistake of meeting Dean's gaze, and fuck, what was he gonna say? His eyes are dark, clouded with lust and that edge that never fails to stop whatever smart ass comment he'd been about to make dead in its tracks.

Okay, almost never fails. Cas is stubborn too.

Right now though, it succeeds in replacing any fleeting thoughts of objection to their location, replacing them with an irresistible urge to slide his hands up, dig fingers into the meat of his shoulders. Which he does, lifting his hips to meet Dean's as they roll forward again.]



needtoknowonly March 7 2012, 20:32:19 UTC
[smirking just a little at the flare he can see in his eyes, fading, Dean leant in at the sting of nails at his shoulder and caught at his lips as the swear left, nibbling softly along his jaw as he drew hands down from spanning his back to his moving hips.. drug in further with it and liking it.

He nipped at the risen, flush skin of his chest, mouthing over a nipple, feeling it's firmness... probably sore now from all the attention he'd lavished upon it, but... hnn, he didn't care.

His fingers pressed against lower back, pushing Cas to him as he thrust again, deeper, wanting more than what he was getting, always.. that white space inside his mind, a calmness he hasn't felt in... so long...]


heavenonhigh March 7 2012, 21:04:42 UTC
[Breath hitching, he sucks briefly at Dean's lower lip as his mouth's caught in a quick kiss, tips his head to the side as teeth scrape over his jaw. His hands rake down Dean's back to rest at his hips, digging in, dragging him closer and loving the feel of hips rocking under his hands.

There's a low whine as Dean's mouth slides over his nipple, and yeah, it is sore, thank you very much... But fuck if he doesn't love it, fuck if it doesn't make his dick twitch where it's trapped between their bodies. He groans hotly, one of his hands moving up to brush fingers through Dean's hair, blunt nails scraping at his scalp.

Cas thinks he might like them best like this, rough and impulsive and it's so hot, the way Dean's hands at his back pull him closer as his hips snap forward... He bites his lip, arches his back into the way Dean's thrusts become deeper, the way his body seems to be searching for something Cas isn't quite sure he can give.

Not that it stops him from trying.]


needtoknowonly March 7 2012, 21:14:18 UTC
Fuck... nn. [moaning soft in half-protest at the hand through his hair, distracting because one could never really get a hold on it so much as tease and fluff it out some more, Dean retaliates with a bite to the curve of Cas' shoulder as it rises slightly, nose pressing to damp skin, breathing in his exertion on him, of the former Angel as he moves, sighs in response to him.

There's nothing that sounds better in this crazy fucked up shell of a world he has left. Nothing else gives him a greater grounding anymore...]

Need to cum... [he means him, too. Finally brushing his fingers across his hardness, curling them in to squeeze as Cas arches.]


heavenonhigh March 7 2012, 22:00:10 UTC
[The vibration of Dean's voice against sore, sensitive skin draws a moan from Cas's parted lips. It morphs into a growl as Dean's teeth close over his shoulder, and his fingers tighten against his scalp before sliding down, slipping over the sweat slicked skin at the back of his neck and trailing down his spine.

Hearing Dean's voice like this, low and coarse with sex tugging and exaggerating that slight drawl... There's nothing like it, and it sends a rolling wave of heat to his groin where it uncurls, spreads along his nerves and makes his toes curl. Oh, he's nearly done, alright...]

No one's- Hn... fuck- No one's stopping you- Oh-- Dean...

[Snarky to the last, but it's breathless, interrupted by another flash of pleasure- If Dean's voice and the angle of his hips weren't doing it, the fingers curling and squeezing at his cock certainly are; he's so close, breath coming in hot gasps against the side of Dean's neck. His hands glide down Dean's back, lower, fitting over the curve of his ass and squeezing, yanking Dean's body ( ... )


needtoknowonly March 7 2012, 22:09:43 UTC
Mmh... but why rush a good thing, huh? [Dean teased him softly, fisting him slow, easy as he shuddered. Not about to let him go because if he did, this would be over. And he'd spiral low, to dark again... until the next time. He was already... taking too much, starting to want and rely on this too much.

He stilled inside him, hips barely spasming as he impends his own, near-orgasm, breathy pants leaving his lips as he arches, kissing him again.

His hand cradles Cas' face almost gently, careful. It could even look tender to an observer.. who could look past the dirty rutting they had been doing, the position they were in and where --] Cas... yeah. Uhn - fuck!

[he bucked, hard and swift and felt the surge of heat rush through him. He came in thick, headiness inside of him at long last. His shoulders squared and his neck threw back slightly, chin jutting. He could taste sweat on his upper lip, blood in his mouth from biting it and groaned as wave upon wave of intense, drawn pleasure released him...]


heavenonhigh March 7 2012, 22:59:05 UTC

[His hips jerk forward, straining into Dean's hand, into the way the ring of his fingers is pumping slowly, a loose, teasing pace, and he bites down on his lip to keep from uttering anything that might constitute begging.

Dean's hips still just as he's arching forward, and it's maddening, truly... At least until Dean's ducking forward, pressing their lips together. His lips are soft, tender and hot, and Cas hums softly into the kiss, arms hooking behind his shoulders in a way that's almost contradictory to the position they're in. He doesn't give a single fuck about that. Dean breaks the kiss, and the way he huffs out Cas's name, breathy and low as his hips jerk forward hard... It's enough to send Cas over the edge ( ... )


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