671. There Are Different Types of Love....

Jan 11, 2012 21:19

(Taken shamelessly from mememaker's 126. I can love you in so many different ways. Because I looooove mememaker and this was one of my favorite memes.)

This meme deals with three types of love, angsty, sweet, and twisted! Please note that there are triggers abound!

- Post your characters and include preferences (if any!)
- Others reply.
- Go to RNG and enter numbers 1-3 ( Read more... )

love-affection, rated: nc17, shipping-romance, fluff, rated: pg, warning: possible triggers, dark-horror, rated: r, smut

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2014!Castiel | Supernatural heavenonhigh January 11 2012, 23:59:18 UTC
Re: 2014!Castiel | Supernatural 5yearslost January 12 2012, 07:19:05 UTC
(Ok...so...feel free to ignore this. I've never done a destiel scene, but the future boys just sort of fascinate me. I don't even know a world where Dean would realize he felt something for Cas, but I kinda wanna poke at the idea or cas or dean coming together and you're my fav Cas and I'm a stalker. If you're up for it you can pick the kind of scene and what not)


heavenonhigh January 13 2012, 00:42:34 UTC
Bawww I'm totally down! <3 I'm good with a lot of these, is there anything you'd be most comfortable with? I'm pretty partial to 2-6, 1-9, 1-2, ...2-10 too 'cause it's 2014!Cas hahaha but I totally 100% understand if you're not feeling that one. c:


5yearslost January 13 2012, 03:23:18 UTC
I'm kinda up for whatever, as said I have no experience with this pairing, lol. Hell I can totally see them doing 2-10 if that's what you're feelin, especially if dean is out of it enough to try drugs again. It can be their first time or not, up to you though I don't know if dean would initiate stuff if it was.


heavenonhigh January 13 2012, 04:07:42 UTC
that works for me! I usually don't do first time things... first haaha only because it makes it hard to know what to do 8'D if that makes aaaany sense at all XD;

if that's cool, lemme know and I'll see what kind of shenans Cas is gonna have them get up to...


5yearslost January 14 2012, 23:39:36 UTC
yeah, totally makes sense. They could have been fooling around for awhile, though dean would probably be an ass for at least part of it. I'm up for whatever


here we go! :B heavenonhigh January 15 2012, 03:53:21 UTC
[Given the shittier-than-usual mood Dean's been in lately, Cas is gonna go ahead and declare it time for an intervention. He can only watch him stomp around the camp looking surlier and more exhausted by the day for so long before the impulse to drag him back to his cabin for a much needed (and also much deserved) break is too strong to resist. He's not stupid, he knows the work Dean's doing is important and that the camp can't run without its leader… But he also knows that the camp is fucked without its leader and so if Dean keels over because he hasn't slept or rested in days, it's game over for everyone, and that's unacceptable ( ... )


5yearslost January 15 2012, 12:03:57 UTC
[Dean had made it into Cas's cabin, at least he'd made it slightly past the doorway and he was determined that was as far in as he was going. He knew Cas had a point, he was being harsh on everybody....but he had to be. The minute he went easy on his camp, let them relax, he'd end up with more dead people. This wasn't just some fight, this was the fucking apocalypse, you can't just take a vacation.

Still...he knew Castiel was right, as he tended to be when he was coherent enough to stand up for a point. The little inebriated angel on his shoulder, Dean knew he'd have gotten himself killed a long time ago if it wasn't for Cas.

So people could relax for the day, build their strength up so they weren't a danger to themselves. That didn't mean Dean had to take the day off, there was still shit that could be done.]

Still don't know what the hell you want? Everybody's on shore leave, I have attacks to plan. You have fun though.


heavenonhigh January 16 2012, 00:10:23 UTC
[He heaves a sigh and frowns, crossing his arms over his chest.]

What part of 'taking a break is good for people' did you not get? That includes you, Dean.

[Cas considers himself lucky that he's one of the few people at the camp who can get away with insubordination without the threat of being decked in the face. ...Or without much threat of being decked in the face. Whatever, point is, he knows Dean needs a break, and he knows Dean knows he needs a break.]

It's not going to kill you to rest for a day. Half a day, come on.

[He's already pulling out two tumblers from his cupboard; he isn't taking no for an answer.]


5yearslost January 16 2012, 04:34:07 UTC
Come on, you don't need to worry about me. I slept a couple days ago, I'm good.

[But dammit Cas did always manage to hoard nice whiskey, the sneaky bastard. Dean shifted awkwardly on his feet before finally stepping further into the cabin]

Okay look [He holds up his index finger as he sits down on the piece of shit couch] One drink, as a break, then I'm back to work.


heavenonhigh January 16 2012, 04:55:22 UTC
[He rolls his eyes.]

Oh, well, my mistake then. Carry on.

[It's no accident, he hoards it for just such an occasion. He's not above using dubious methods to keep Dean safe, and if that means planning ahead and hoarding something he doesn't even particularly care for, well, so be it.

He gives Dean a look and then nods as if accepting his terms. He'll let Dean think he's won, for now.]

Yeah, yeah.

[Hey, don't knock the couch! It's a great couch, it just happens to be kind of a piece of shit. Cas drops the glasses onto the table with the whiskey and sinks down into said couch with a sigh. Leaning forward, he cracks the seal on the bottle and fills both of their tumblers with a rather large amount of liquor before passing one to Dean.]

Bottoms up.


5yearslost January 16 2012, 07:14:00 UTC
[Dean picked up the glass, though he wished it was the bottle but he knew he had to share...even if Cas didn't love to drink as much to him. He felt less like an alcoholic if somebody was with him. He raised the glass up to his friend and took a large swig, sighing a little as almost half a glass of whiskey melted on his tongue and burned its way down his throat]


heavenonhigh January 16 2012, 20:57:52 UTC
[He raises his glass as well in a half-assed toasting kind of movement before taking a drink. It burns, but fortunately it's not too horribly unpleasant; there's something to be said about quality, after all.

He glances over at Dean, taking in the tense line of his shoulders, the way his eyebrows are still drawn together in that ever-present frown... It's only convincing him of how necessary this is, even if getting Dean to take a break is like pulling teeth. Out of a bear. An exceptionally surly bear with its foot caught in a trap. He sighs and leans back against the couch, shoulder bumping into Dean's as he sinks into the cushion.]


5yearslost January 17 2012, 01:26:39 UTC
[Dean can't help smiling a little at the sight of Cas drinking whiskey. He knew the ex-angel usually didn't bother with alcohol unless Dean was around, he had quicker means to getting as fucked up as he wanted.]

So it's everybody's first day off in weeks and you wanna waste it getting drunk with me?


heavenonhigh January 17 2012, 22:54:18 UTC
Is there something else I should be doing with my time?

[He takes another drink and relaxes into the couch, shoulder bumping against Dean's. He keeps it there.]

Besides, you're good company even if you are kind of a grouch.


5yearslost January 17 2012, 23:21:50 UTC
[He laughed a little but it came out sounding kind of hollow] You are probably the only person in the camp who would consider me good company anywhere but on the battlefield.


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