Love at First Sight Meme ♥ at Dreamwidth. [Click on "Dreamwidth" to go to the meme.] Or, for those who wish to play here, here's the same meme behind the cut. ( Crossposting like a champion )
ffff same here omg.socoolbrewsterDecember 31 2011, 11:48:30 UTC
[Why would you be afraid of him? HE JUST WANTS TO LOVE YOUUUU. And maybe turn you; that's love, right? Then you'll be TOGETHER FOREVER and it will be wonderful.]
Why wouldn't I be following you? You're like...filet mignon wrapped in bacon. [...What is that even...You need a better comparison, Ed, you are NEVER going to get him if you basically tell him he's a meal on legs. Even if it IS a compliment. Kind of.]
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Why wouldn't I be following you? You're like...filet mignon wrapped in bacon. [...What is that even...You need a better comparison, Ed, you are NEVER going to get him if you basically tell him he's a meal on legs. Even if it IS a compliment. Kind of.]
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