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I RNG'd a 2, go fig! dinos4breakfast November 27 2011, 06:20:47 UTC
[Enters the console room holding a stick.] Hey Doctor...

[Walks over and invades the Time Lord's personal space, impulsively going in for a kiss. Cuz Jack likes using actions to show his feelings.]


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LOL, well I'm using pre-Fixed!Point!Jack here too ;) dinos4breakfast November 27 2011, 06:38:31 UTC
[Definitely wasn't expecting that response. More of a crossed arms grumpy Look than acceptance followed with amnesia.]


[Lowers his brow, looking curious.]

Captain Jack Harkness... and you invited me in. Are you feeling okay?


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:D dinos4breakfast November 27 2011, 06:48:58 UTC
Well you actually saved my life by doing so. And it wasn't that long ago.

[Is confused by this so goes to look at the TARDIS console for confirmation.]

Huh. Doctor... can temporal rifts happen while inside the TARDIS?


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dinos4breakfast November 27 2011, 07:00:56 UTC
[Shrugs and chuckles, looking a cross between uncomfortable and apologetic]

Well hate to break it to you, but I think it did.

Cuz if you haven't invited anyone in in a while, I'm definitely from your future.


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dinos4breakfast November 27 2011, 07:11:36 UTC
Hey, I'd never blame it on the old girl! [Holds up hands in a surrender position, but is smiling as he subtly implies who he would, in fact, blame.]

Anyway, I guess the question is how to get me back. [Realizes he's still holding the stick.] What is this anyway? I found it in the garden and it made me want to kiss you...


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dinos4breakfast November 27 2011, 19:37:30 UTC
[Jack knows evasion when he sees it, but goes along anyway.]

Oh. [Shrugs.] Well... guess you just got a preview, then.

...want another? [Grin.]


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dinos4breakfast November 27 2011, 21:09:41 UTC
[Was not expecting to hear that.] Really?

Well... we just got done at the glass pyramid of sankloon, if that helps you at all.

And my... key? [Notices the absence of outright denial but is more curious about what the Doctor said first.]


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dinos4breakfast November 27 2011, 21:43:12 UTC
[Laughs] Well, there's something I didn't know. I get a key. [Is unable to hide how happy that makes him.]

I haven't been with the two of you long. Maybe a couple standard months. Hard to keep track in the TARDIS, really.

The old girl likes to keep things hard... [Slight smirk]


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