426: What's it good for?

Nov 20, 2011 03:06

Away at War/Battle MemeWe all know war can be a hard time for everyone but those left behind? It can be torture. Hoping you get a letter or a call, staying glued to the television and cringing at those news stories. Guess what happens to you now? Your loved one has gone off to fight a war (battle, fight, in that ilk of things) and some time has ( Read more... )

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Steve Rogers aka Captain America | Marvel Cinematic Verse | OTA | Coming Home americacapt November 20 2011, 15:09:54 UTC
americacapt November 21 2011, 00:32:11 UTC
[He tries from his seat when he sees her and crosses over to her. She hasn't changed a bit, her expression is still sweet and warm, her dark eyes large and he looks relieved.

In a half moment, his arms wrap about her and he holds her tight.]

AJ. Oh God, I missed you. [He stepped away, kissing her face, her lips, her eyelid, and hugs her once again tightly.]


thislastrequest November 21 2011, 00:46:30 UTC
[And it's been so long since the last time she's felt his arms around her, his lips on her skin, she can't help but nearly melt into the embrace.]

[Her eyes start to tear up, and she wipes at them awkwardly, sighing - a little bit in relief, and a little still fearful of what's yet to come]

I missed you, too. They said - most likely Killed in Action. I didn't know what to think or what to do. But you're here now - you're here!

[If she was going to do it, it had better be sooner rather than later]

Th - there's something that I need to show you.


americacapt November 26 2011, 03:12:03 UTC
[He simply holds her tightly for a moment, giving her enough room to allow her to wipe her tears as he gently stroked her hair. He notices how tense she is and he wonders for a horrible moment if ... she had moved on. No, she couldn't have.

She would have stopped him. He would forgive her and understand her if she hadn't but...]

They usually do say that about me. Most times they're probably right about KIA. I'm... I'm here now, yes. And I'm all right.

[Steve looks confused as he studies her, hand playing with her hair, the feeling of the locks soothing him.]

What do you need to show me?


thislastrequest November 26 2011, 03:27:35 UTC
[She sighs deeply, and bites her lip, looking up at him, gauging his face and his emotions. She hadn't moved on, not at all, didn't think she could. Instead, she hoped and prayed for his return someday. And now she's got him - it'll take a lot for her to let go again.]

Please tell me that you don't have to go again for a long, long time. I just - I don't think I can deal with that again. Not anytime soon.

[She wishes that she didn't have to do this - not so soon after reuniting, but she knows it would probably be better to do it quickly rather than waiting. So she reluctantly pulls away and steps toward the door again, standing halfway in the room and half out, speaking to someone standing outside, and when she comes back in ... she's got a very sleepy Anna in her arms.

She can't quite bring herself to meet his eyes.]

Um - this is Anna. She's ... yours.


americacapt November 26 2011, 21:24:48 UTC
[He continues to play with her soft hair, watching her face. He smiles awkwardly and then it grows to assured before he leans over to kiss her once, gently. ]

Not for a long time, I promise. They're not sure if I can deal with it again so soon, either. It wouldn't be wise to put me back out on the field.

[He looks a little shocked when she steps away, going out into the hallway and he hears whispering and soft shuffling of feet. But he can't make out much of the sounds. Steve still wonders for a moment, even when AJ comes back with a small bundle in her arms. And for a moment it just doesn't register in Steve's brain that it's a baby. Not until she and and the baby are closer.

And the little girl reminds himself of Ma so much, it doesn't take AJ's words to help him figure out who she is.]

... Anna. [He says softly.] I like that name... she's mine?


thislastrequest November 26 2011, 22:27:49 UTC
[So this isn't exactly the circumstance AJ had dreamed of, but - that kiss - nothing felt more like perfection to her]

Good. Good - I couldn't let you go so soon, not so easily. Not sure even if it's a long time from now if I'll be able to. I don't want to think about that, though. Just want to concentrate on having you back.

[Anna's six months old, and she looks so much like Steve - the resemblance is uncanny. Nobody could ever deny who the father of this baby is. She's sleepy, but she looks at him through her eyelashes, and AJ's heart pounds when she reaches a chubby hand out to him.]

Annaliese. Anna. Yeah, she's ... our daughter.


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But I like novellas, and I'm afraid this will be the last ping tonight. <_< americacapt November 22 2011, 03:15:11 UTC
[They had found half the aircraft sticking out of an ice flow not long after the war had ended. He had been frozen near solid though, and it had been a miracle he had survived the process. He had woken up, angry, in a Veterans Hospital in England. A few punched soldiers before Steve broke into a sobbing pile or relief and regret when he realized he was in England and he had missed out the last months of the war.

They had called Peggy for him. When they were sure he wasn't suffering from Battle Fatigue. That he was sane and whole and sound. He had gotten injures from the attempt at escape, injuries from the ice as well. He would be fine in a matter of a week if not sooner. But that was too long.

So he sat and waited with baited breath.]


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americacapt November 26 2011, 20:54:28 UTC
[Oh, they had this foolish belief they could keep secrets from Ms. Carter. SSR didn't quite realize who they were dealing with when it came to Peggy, thinking she wouldn't have the same edge after all of this.

He sat up straighter as she entered the room. He didn't look much different besides the hospital clothes he wore. His dark golden hair brushed back, the last of bruises faded away, and his eyes alert and bright. Steve's anixious face breaks into a grin when he sees her. And relief crosses his face.]


[No time to worry about what to do or how to do it. He just needed to hold her and see her safe and fine. He opened his arms hoping that gesture would be enough.]


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americacapt November 30 2011, 01:42:06 UTC
[Steve didn't doubt it at all as he watched her all but teleport across the room and in his arms. He wrapped his own around her tightly, drawing her close and tight as he possibly can without injuring her. His nose dips down to brush against her hair and he is silent. He only wants to smell, feel, and hear she's alive and he wants her to know how thankful he is for this moment. He doesn't say a word, doesn't breathe one. He's too happy to speak.]


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