425. love you more than ever

Nov 19, 2011 14:40


This meme deals with three types of love, angsty, sweet, and twisted! Please note that there are triggers abound!

- Post your characters and include preferences (if any!)
- Others reply.
- Go to RNG and enter numbers 1-3 to get a love type, then 1-20 to get a scene.
- Or go for the record and try to play 1 of each type ( Read more... )

love-affection, rated: nc17, shipping-romance, fluff, rated: pg, warning: possible triggers, dark-horror, action, rated: r, smut, rated: pg13

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River Song || Doctor Who riverborntorun November 19 2011, 21:21:28 UTC
I only knew about them from tumblr; but of course they're all written by moffat so joy&heartbreak riverborntorun November 22 2011, 01:30:06 UTC
It's not what I want you to do, love. It's what you want. It's your life, your choice.

[She unwrapped the fabric that concealed a long box, tilting the lid open and showing him its contents. Inside lay a small sphere with an attached spindle-like device] This is an Ananke Sphere. As far as I know, it's the only one like it. One prick of the needle, and it harnesses your biological code, slowing down cellular development. Including...death.

It's only for a short while a course, but it's just enough if you want to... take your time and make a memory or two.

But it's your choice, Doctor.


I think I managed to find the first 4 (are there 6 total?) on youtube. D'aww :'( captoftardis November 22 2011, 02:18:02 UTC
[He studied the sphere quietly, one second opening his mouth to say something, the next rubbing his face his hands. Releasing a sigh, he glanced at River.]

So you know I'm dying?

[Everyone had figured it out, it was no surprise that River had too. No one he had associated with was dim-witted.] How did you obtain this? Stole it from a site?

[He laughed at his quip, then looked back at the Ananke Sphere and the emotions he kept insisting upon suppressing started flairing back up.] I-It's not fair, really. I did everything that I could. Everything! Extra time... what rubbish! Where was it when I needed it? [He bit his lower lip, trying to calm himself down. He hadn't come here to be an emotional mess.]


I think it's just four? And I totally cried :( riverborntorun November 22 2011, 02:36:29 UTC
I had a feeling. I've seen your future, Doctor, and I know you quite well. That includes the future you. And...well, all good things must come to an end, right? ...Even you. The you that you are now.

[She gave a little chuckle as well and opened her mouth to clarify her source of the object, but upon his fervent reaction she put down the box and cupped his face with her hands, very gently, very tenderly to soothe him] Shhh....It's alright...

[She held his face, looking into his eyes] Look, depending on how far into the process you are, it may not be very much time at all. The more your body is broken down, the less time the device can give you.

[She gently leaned her forehead against his with a sigh] I know it's not fair, love... You deserve more than this, but...it's all I have to give. If you want it.


I think the only thing that's made me cry with 11 was the Impossible Astronaut captoftardis November 22 2011, 05:27:37 UTC
[He had never acted like this for a regeneration before. Sometimes he saw it as a welcome relief and a new way to start over - a rebirth of sorts - and tried to keep himself humble about it. Sometimes he was angry about it, but this time he was filled with so much guilt mixed with anger that he didn't know how to properly respond.]

I know it's alright, it's always alright.... I hurt, and feel so damned guilty about everything... [He placed his hands over hers.]

And I'm being bloody ridiculous, it's embarrassing!


I've cried more times than I can remember...though The Girl Who Waited jumps immediately to my mind riverborntorun November 22 2011, 06:13:51 UTC
No, it's not, sweetie. You're being more than you've ever been before - you're being very human. [She tilted her head up to place a kiss on his forehead] I know. I know. But right here, you and me? It doesn't have to hurt, and you don't need to feel guilty. Not right now. Give yourself a night of peace, my love.

Because...once you change... [She tenderly caressed her thumb against his cheek, trying not to dwell on the idea of never seeing this face again] the Universe will still be there. Needing you. And always with the probability of hurting you again.

You deserve a bit of freedom before you go. Stop being The Doctor for a moment and... just be. [She gave him a wistful look, worried she was coming off too preachy] That's the only reason why I can think you'd give me the Sphere in the first place. SPOILERS!


Oh you're right! I cried in that episode too. But I definitely cried more with 10 than 11. captoftardis November 22 2011, 06:53:57 UTC
[He liked her being preachy; needed her to be preachy, and he was finding comfort from her words... and at that last statement? Definitely an eye roll thrown in there.]

I'm just automatically going to say you influenced me to take it.

[He smiled quietly, and slid his hands around her waist, pulling her more towards him as he placed his head to her abdomen.] I don't recall ever regenerating this slowly... It's cruel. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, but I don't think I can use the Sphere.


Oh yes, Ten's episodes get me every time... riverborntorun November 22 2011, 07:10:35 UTC
[River didn't have much of an opportunity to warn him about the dust on her clothes still, but then again it seemed rude for the moment anyway. So she let him embrace her, and she gently placed a hand upon his head, her fingers running through his hair] There's probably a reason for that, my love. But... it's alright. I understand.

[She hesitated, a lump forming in her throat. There was another option...] ...Does this mean you're leaving?


He's so good at angst! It gets me everytime even in his projects outside of Who. captoftardis November 22 2011, 07:52:20 UTC
I'm afraid so... [He swallowed.] There's someone I want... need... to see one last time.

[He closed his eyes, enjoying her fingers through his hair and not wanting to move just quite yet. If only he could stay and use the Sphere, but River was right. He was too far into his regeneration for it to do any good as he could feel his cells already multiplying like cancer and mutating his DNA structure. He didn't have much time left.]


Oh David Tennant, why so flawless? riverborntorun November 22 2011, 16:01:37 UTC
[River nodded solemnly, her own voice growing tight in her throat.] She must be very special. For you to save her for last.

[River's eyes glanced over to where the sphere, her free hand carefully, ever so carefully, wrapping around it.] And I'm sorry, my love - so very sorry that you're going to have to put her off just a little bit longer.

[Before she could hesitate any further, she quickly brought up the pointed end of the device and in one deft motion, prodded his neck with it. It ought to feel like no more than a pinprick or a mosquito bite; a tiny sample of blood filling the needle and flowing into the sphere. It spun round and round until the device glowed a dull red and its face had tic marks, slowly counting the extension of time he had left. Only a few hours.

She had said she'd give him a choice, and she'd meant it when she said it. But now she was taking it back. Rule one - the Doctor lies. And so could she.]


omg, that last line is perfect. Oh River! So devious! captoftardis November 22 2011, 17:25:42 UTC
[Special? That was an understatement of how he felt for Rose. Where could he even begin?

And then River caught him lost in his thoughts and moved too quickly for him to react and pricked his skin. The feeling felt very strange, as if he were running and suddenly his feet were trapped in something sticky and it was hard to move.]

Oh, this feels weird...

[He put his forehead in the palm of his hand, trying quell the nausea that momentarily flared up. But a minute passed and everything felt better, and the pain stopped.] Oh, very weird...!


:D riverborntorun November 22 2011, 17:57:52 UTC
[With a tiny pang of guilt that she refused to acknowledge, River watched as the device slowly began to take effect on the man in front of her. The man she'd do anything for, no matter what face he had on.

To be honest, she wasn't entirely sure how the device would work, how it would make him feel - all the research on it was theoretical; most of the definitive publications on it had been lost or destroyed.

Putting the Sphere on the nearby table, she bent to his level and touched his cheek] But is it a good weird? I mean...it's working, right?


captoftardis November 22 2011, 19:26:12 UTC
It's working.... yes.

[He looked up and met her gaze with a subtle smile.] The pain's gone, for now at least. I feel like I can breath again. And really, I should hate you for doing that, for disregarding anything I say.


riverborntorun November 22 2011, 22:25:10 UTC
You said you couldn't use it. You didn't say anything about me using it for you.

If you want to hate me, I can't stop how you feel, but I wasn't about to let you die without the chance to do something for yourself for once.


captoftardis November 23 2011, 01:43:08 UTC
River... [Again, he placed his hand over her's.] I'm not actually angry at you. I'm just a bit emotional, is all.


riverborntorun November 23 2011, 01:54:42 UTC
You're not? [River glanced at his hand over hers, her thumb brushing against his skin] Is there... Do you need...?

[She wasn't sure what she could do to help him, and instead simply caressed his hand with her thumb.] I'm... here if you need me.


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