This story would destroy an administration were it Republican.
Sen. Mark Kirk to Eric Holder: Is DOJ spying on Congress? "Holder assured Kirk that “there is no intention to do anything of that nature - that is, to spy on members of Congress or to spy on the Supreme Court
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Comments 3
Said it before, and I will say it again, Obama is a flat out, no holds barred MONSTER.
But Obama doesn't care what it will do to the country... on second thought, it is exactly what he intends to happen to this country.
Obamacare is a form of data mining.
The abortion activists should be against Obamacare; Roe vs Wade was about privacy, the government had no place in the operating room. How times have changed... actually, nothing has changed, democrats still are hypocrites.
Wow! Someone's finally saying this!
I haven't seen a homosexual yet who didn't have some issue of abuse, neglect or other serious family dysfunctions.
I know people who have successfully walked away from homosexuality, and are perfectly happy, decades later, as straight people.
So do I. But every time I bring up this point in a discussion it's either completely ignored as though I never said it, or I'm told that such people were never "real" homosexuals to begin with. I have never, ever seen any other response.
The fact that there's even one such person - even one! - demolishes the claim that homosexuality is inborn and therefore cannot ever be changed.
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