This is pretty much for geeks/nerds only. Anyone is welcome but you are unlikely to appreciate it if not a fellow nerd.
Are you a Star Wars fan? Did you loathe the Star Wars prequels? If your answers were yes and no, respectively, I respect your incredibly wrong and flawed opinion and request you depart now because there is something wrong with your brain and I want no part of it. If your answers were yes and OMFG ABSOLUTELY then you are a person of good taste and thinking, and I have something for you.
I can't remember how I found this. It's a review of Star Wars Phantom Menace. Not only is it damn funny, it's full of exceptional insight as to how and why Star Wars Ep 4 was a classic film and Phantom Menace utter and complete insulting crap. Generally I give something on video about five minutes to hook me or I'm done. Video usually moves too slow and I have the attention span of a fruit fly if not interested. I was hooked in the first 50 seconds. Dead. On. It's 70 minutes long and I've watched it twice. Worth it. Check it out and pass it on.
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Bonus trivia: Harrison Ford to George Lucas, saying what everyone in Phantom Menace should have said to him. "You can write this stuff but you can't make me say it."