Title: Born to Run, a side story, or: Sad Eyes, a tale of two brothers
Characters: Fernando Torres, David Beckham
Rating: R, for violence
Disclaimer: Untrue.
Word Count: 989
Notes: This is important about Nando. And it hurt to write. If you're reading this series, please read this. It just. It feels important.
Pick one. )
Comments 20
stood beneath an orange sky
i love you, this hurt to read. but it was important to read too.
and encouraging Nando along with David afterwards and I almost cried with Nando when I read that last line
thats what you do to me whit your writing!
When I got to the closet, I almost gave up because...just because.
But I did it.
I can't tell you how good it was but just know that is because of how real it felt.
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