You Have a Point (TLW/DH, Jenny/Bree)

Feb 16, 2007 20:49

Title: You Have a Point
Challenge: femslash100's drabbletag
Fandom: The L Word/Desperate Housewives
Pairing: Jenny/Bree
Prompt: kinky
Spoilers: 'TLW' - S3; 'DH' - early S1
Word Count: 191 + 238 + 141 + 142 = 712
Rating: NC-17

Disclaimer: No one belongs to me.


You started dating Anna because you thought you should make another attempt at stability. A nice, pretty doctor with decent, upstanding friends, some of whom you've been able to tolerate.

But this one?


Well, you suppose Bree Van De Kamp isn't Anna's friend. Anna knows Rex, who you were told is a nice enough guy.

If he were really so fucking nice, why would he marry such a judgmental bitch?

Bree avoids looking at you, which you're not sure is better than her initial reaction to your presence: pursed lips and wide eyes, as if the phrase "and this is Anna's girlfriend" were the most horrifying words a hostess could hear.

You stop what you were doing -- drawing a pair of breasts in your garlic mashed potatoes -- and clear your throat. She doesn't turn to you. "Excuse me," you say, "did your husband not tell you that he was inviting a couple of dykes?" She looks right at you and somehow seems to sit even straighter in her chair. "Because I can't see why else you're treating us like garbage."

And the dinner party comes to an end.


"I can't believe," Anna says. "I can't... you're a child. Do you realize how incredibly rude--"

"Me? She was the one treating us like shit. I thought--"

"You can't go into someone's house and behave--"

"--Stepford wives were supposed to be more polite."

"Are you listening to me?"

You stare out the car window, think: This is why I can't date normal people. "Do you want me to apologize?"


"Well," you reply, "I'm not going to."

And yet, the next day, you're at the front door of the Van De Kamp house, saying, "I came to say I'm sorry."

Bree invites you in with a chilly warmth that seems to come naturally to the rich and bored. After she offers you tea, you admit you're not really here to make amends. She bristles; you wonder how she could get wound any tighter.

"I hope you don't expect me to apologize," she says.

"I don't."


"I thought I would fuck you."

"Get out--"

"Being so hostile to a lesbian couple, there's got to be a reason for that. You know?"

It's then that she pushes you, and you realize that she's not going to listen to your theory about how most homophobes are just queers filled with self-hatred, and how letting a woman fuck her brains out would help her.

So you kiss her as she's shoving you to the door.


When you fuck her, she begs you to be rough. You almost don't comply just to keep her wanting -- there's something intensely satisfying about frustrating her. But there's also an appeal in using one too many fingers with too much force and making her cry out in pleasure. You bite hard onto her nipple; look up at her with wide eyes.

"Guess I had a point," you say, but she's too busy keeping her eyes closed as she shudders against you.

You don't wait for her to properly recover before straddling her mouth and opening yourself for her. Knees pressed against her hardwood floor, you quickly flick at your clit and wait. Fingers digging into your hips, she moves her tongue in more assured strokes than you would've assumed.

You're even more surprised that she manages to make you come.


She doesn't look at you as she puts her clothes back on, not even when you ask her questions. They're questions she probably doesn't care to answer, but it's still pretty fucking rude.

You wonder how many times you'd have to go down on her before she'd pretend to have respect for you, though it's not one of the subjects you ask about.

"You do realize this bullshit suburban façade isn't going to make you happy, right?"

"That is where you're wrong." She smoothes out the front of her sweater. "I'm perfectly happy."

"I'm sure you are. You know," you say, picking up your bag, "I am sorry. That you're not going to change."

"Well," she replies. "I feel sorry for you." She looks you in the eye. "You're obviously a very troubled woman."

You flash her a smile before you leave.


jenny/bree, the l word/desperate housewives

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