Title: New Again
jadebriady manghahabiBeta
creampuffstephUniverse: TOS/AOS
Pairings(s): Nu!Jim/Prime!Spock side of Nu!Spock/Nu!Uhura
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Sex of the butt
Summary: When the stress of captaining a ship starts to wear on Jim, he seeks out a friend who will understand.
Link to Fic: Fic found on AO3
HereLink to Art: Art by
jadebriady HereLink to Mix: Mix by
manghahabi Here UPDATE: There's now awesome art to go with the mix. You can find it
here :)
Big sloppy kisses to my beta for everything! Also be sure to check out the amazing art and play list! Thanks for reading and enjoy!
Part 1 //
Part 2 //
Part 3 //