melonbread's LiveJournal popularity rating is 3.18/10. melonbread is more popular than 92.2% of all LiveJournal users. melonbread is more popular than 56.7% of their mutual friends.
spaceboundgo's LiveJournal popularity rating is 3.08/10. spaceboundgo is more popular than 91.0% of all LiveJournal users. spaceboundgo is more popular than 34.5% of their mutual friends.
blogbaron's LiveJournal popularity rating is 2.62/10. blogbaron is more popular than 84.0% of all LiveJournal users. blogbaron is more popular than 21.1% of their mutual friends.
Comments 6
spaceboundgo is more popular than 91.0% of all LiveJournal users.
spaceboundgo is more popular than 34.5% of their mutual friends.
( ... )
blogbaron is more popular than 84.0% of all LiveJournal users.
blogbaron is more popular than 21.1% of their mutual friends.
( ... )
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