Learn to make this color effect in Paint Shop Pro:
Selet your picture and resize and crop it to a 100x100 pixel image.
Duplicate the image once. Set the layer to screen 100%, merge. Now, duplicate the image again and set this layer to multipy 100%. Go to Adjust/Blur/Gaussion Blur and set the blur to 0.55. Merge.
Make 5 new layers.
First layer: #F876CC Opacity at 72%
Second Layer: #F876CC Opacity at 36%
Third Layer: #65A4F9 Opacity at 90%
Fourth Layer: #61FF0B Opacity at 38%
Set all to Soft Light. Don't merge yet.
Now make 3 new layers.
First layer: #A4E0F4 Opacity 100% set to Burn
Second layer: #05040C Opacity 74% set to Exclusion
Third layer: #EACF7E Opacity 42% set to Multiply
Do not merge yet. (Or merge if you don't want any text)
Create a new 100x100 image. (any color is fine. I've made mine #C0C0C0.
Use your pen tool to draw an angular line. Then use your text tool. When you've got your text copy and paste as layer on the very top layer of your icon. Set to screen(you can also add a drop shadow to it). Once you've got the text where you want it, drag the layer down and place it right above yor base image. Merge.
You're Done! :)
Other icons using the same effect: