
Nov 18, 2010 17:38

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birthdays, miley cyrus

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Comments 12

hp_chloe November 18 2010, 18:14:19 UTC
i can remember watching hannah montana when it first came out ♥ and now its over Me too, I'm so sad! :(


meloco08 November 18 2010, 22:57:29 UTC
i know :( i STILL havent watched the last episode. i need to watch the second-to-last episode first. it looks so sad, omg. with her looking through her clothes and the album.


hp_chloe November 19 2010, 10:44:26 UTC
It is. There's this montage to "I'll always remember you" omfg I was crying like a baby. My dad was watching it with me and he was all "wtf why are you crying?" I was like dad it's hannah montana! It's ending. I'm not sure if that's the last ep or if it's in two parts though- I'll have to check. :(((


meloco08 November 19 2010, 22:37:21 UTC
aw :( haha, im sure i would have cried as well. my dad used to like hannah montana actually. :P i thought I'll Always Remember You was the last episode.. but i just checked the comm 'ourmiley' and they mentioned an episode airred on dec 5th :D yaaay, its not finished.


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meloco08 November 26 2010, 09:33:23 UTC
YOU'RE SO WELCOME!! i've missed you.

how did your exams go? when were they? i still haven't had mine yet.. next week though.

i've been good thanks. was sick last week.. for like 5 days haha, but im better now (: next week is HEAPS busy for me, because i have exams and dance rehearsals.. and work. its crazy. but then its holidays, which i cant wait for.

no problem ♥


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meloco08 November 28 2010, 07:53:23 UTC
im sure you'll be getting A++ ;) thanks, i sure hope so. xx


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