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Comments 8

forever_a_fan July 4 2010, 03:21:09 UTC
So cool! Enjoy! :)


meloco08 July 4 2010, 03:53:35 UTC
Thanks! Do you have the boxset? :)


forever_a_fan July 4 2010, 16:36:35 UTC
Nooo, I wish! :( It sounds awesome!
I own season one, but one of my friends owns the whole series so for the past few months I've been borrowing them!


meloco08 July 5 2010, 00:44:42 UTC
Haha, yeah! I know people who own 2 copies of all 10 seasons. I thought that was pretty crazy, seeing as at the time, i only had 1-3. And im content with having all the seasons once, haha.
I'd let you borrow mine :) haha.


amaranthine3 July 14 2010, 19:46:50 UTC
Yayay! You're so lucky! :D I've seen the boxset and I promised yself I'll buy it one day ^^ I love that there are so many additional things for fans :D. I love the show and if I'd get the boxset I'll probably spent A LOT of time on playing with it ^^.


meloco08 July 14 2010, 22:57:11 UTC
Yeah, i got it for my birthday from both my parents. I'd told myself i'd save up for it, but that didnt really happen :P
Oh, its amazing! I got so excited, seeing all 10 seasons right in front of me :)
You can get them cheaper off ebay. Thats where i got mine.


amaranthine3 July 17 2010, 19:55:08 UTC
I sometimes can save money but for a very short time, lol xD. We even have a special anniversary boxset with all seasons and a special apron here but it's more expensive than original english edition so I'll probably end up buying it on ebay too one day :).


meloco08 July 18 2010, 00:35:42 UTC
Yeah, it depends if what im saving for is really expensive or not :P
oh, yeah the boxset i got what the 15th anniversary boxset, but it didnt come with an apron, haha.
yeah, ebay is really good. i wasnt going to get mine from there originally, but everywhere else was really pricey.


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