Tag (9/11?)

Jan 29, 2010 20:11

Title: Tag (9/11)
Pairing: Kurt/Puck
Rating: PG-13 (?)
Spoilers: None that I can think of
Summary: Who doesn't love a good game of tag? And who doesn't love playing tag with post-it notes?
A/N: I don't know what this is! This is what happens when I spend my day going to the gym and doing homework! Also, fliers, as I've been told is what they're called, are evil and hurt! As with squats! Even though that has nothing to do with this story, but I digress!

Previous Chapters!

Puck hid his smirk behind his cup as Burt questioned his son about the note. He was actually kind of bummed that Burt just dropped the subject like Kurt had asked him too. Puck’s mom wouldn’t have done that. She would have pushed until Puck lied or just walked away. That’s when Puck got the idea for his next post-it. Now if only Kurt would hurry up and plant his. Then again, catching him might be more fun then placing his next note.


Kurt couldn’t believe that Puck would leave a note on his ass with his father in the room! Puck was just asking for trouble but if Puck wanted trouble, Kurt was going to give it to him.

Kurt composed himself before turning around to face the kitchen table. He walked over and placed the chicken on the table. He “dropped” his oven mitt next to where Puck was seating.

“Dang it.” Kurt bent down to pick up the oven mitt and on his way back up he accidently may have grabbed Puck through his jeans. “Sorry.”

Kurt smiled as he made his way over to the counter to put the oven mitt up. “Can I get anybody anything before I sit down?” Both men at the table shook their heads so Kurt made his way over to the table and sat down across from Puck. “Noah, you don’t look too good, are you okay?”


Puck glared at Kurt. “I’m fine, thanks for asking.”

Puck knew that grabbing Kurt’s ass was crossing the line but it wasn’t as bad as Kurt coping a feel. Now all Puck could think about was Kurt’s hands on him, Kurt’s mouth at his ear whispering about what it felt like to have Puck inside him and if Puck didn’t stop thinking about this dinner was going to be very awkward.

Puck looked up from his plate to see something sticking to the side of the pan. He made sure that Burt wasn’t looking before grabbing the note.

Touch me like that in front of my dad again and I’ll make sure to use my scarves for something other then to make me look good.

Puck stifled a moan as he looked up to see a Kurt smirking. Kurt knew what he was doing to Puck and loving every minute of it. Puck was getting ready to retaliate when he felt a foot running up his leg. He looked up to see Kurt looking as though nothing was going on and conversing with his dad.

The foot made it’s way over Puck’s knee and then his thigh coming to rest in front of Puck’s crotch. Not thinking about where he was and who was around him, Puck scooted his chair closer to the table so that the foot was giving him some friction. Dinner was definitely going to be awkward.

character: kurt hummel, thrid person, title: t, series: tag!, pairing: kurt/puck, rating: pg-13, character: puck, character: burt hummel

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