Mistaken Identities, 9/? DA/SPN

Jul 10, 2006 12:01

Oh god. Seriously.

Beta'd by Pixel_0 who deserves so many fecking fruit baskets for putting up with my crap-ass stupid ness *hugs*

Back to Chapter 8

Chapter 9

“All I want to know are the whereabouts of 452?” White explained as though it was the simplest thing he could have asked. But Alec kept his head down, refusing to answer. Dean’s ears were ( Read more... )

crossover, fanfic, storymistaken, supernatural, dark angel

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Comments 13

apieceofcake July 10 2006, 11:25:29 UTC
God..my stomach was in knots reading that! So much action..
And Whoo Hoo the final chapters up..but I don't want it to be over.. :-(


mellaithwen August 22 2006, 07:08:17 UTC

aha tough, I did lmao--but epilogue soonish so not strictly over hehe


iamstealthyone July 10 2006, 20:51:16 UTC
Great chapter here. Loved all of the action. Dean threatening White when White threatened Sam, and Sam all worried about Dean ... what's not to love, eh? :)

Favorite lines:

“I told you to stay put,” Max grumbled, bending over the guard to make sure he was out and staring up at Sam, who stood there, panting, with a crow bar in his hand.

“Yeah, you did,” he replied with a sly grin.

*snickers* I love not only Sam disobeying Max and saving her skinny butt, but his little quip there. Go, Sam!

“You wouldn’t want Mr Winchester to suffer any more now would you?” White threatened, but before he could continue, his head snapped to the side, and in surprise he fell to the ground.

“Yeah? Well Mr. Winchester’s tired of being your leverage,” Dean hissed

*g* Good comeback from Dean there. I can imagine he'd be fairly pissed at this point with being White's punching bag.

Looking forward to the last chapter. :)


mellaithwen August 22 2006, 07:10:02 UTC
oh definately, and pissed dean is so damn hot *watches him slap meg again and again and again and again*

ah its kinda annoying how max always takes charge..always and I get she's supposed but still so having sam disobey her was a result of that, and randomly watching DMB lol


iamstealthyone August 22 2006, 11:11:05 UTC
pissed dean is so damn hot

Agreed. *g*

*watches him slap meg again and again and again and again*

Yeah, that was a great scene, definitely.


pheebs1 July 10 2006, 22:48:32 UTC
Heh everybody kicking ass, cool!


mellaithwen August 22 2006, 07:10:18 UTC
whats not to love, right?


coltshot_1 July 11 2006, 00:56:53 UTC
Way to Rally, Dean!
Rushing on to Chapter 10!!
(Still not REALLY seeing why Alec couldn't lose the shirt . . . . .)


mellaithwen August 22 2006, 07:10:55 UTC
because I said so MWAHAHAHAHAHA *continues to laugh tyrannically while wandering away*


trystan830 July 11 2006, 02:04:11 UTC
awesome! off to part 10. yaay!


mellaithwen August 22 2006, 07:11:10 UTC


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